My eye hasn't gotten any better. It's actually gotten worse. I would post a picture but its getting pretty gross. I feel like a troll.
The boys are good. Hayden is a terror. All he does is run around all day, throwin, yelling, and hitting. He threw the remote at Riley. Well...not really threw it at him but he threw it off the table and it hit riley in the head while he was sleeping in his bouncer. Hayden is starting to pay more attention to riley. He'll look at him and touch him. He's hit him a couple times but not hard and not to be malicious, it was one of those toddler "hey what happens when i hit it" moments. He's also been nice too. He covered riley up with a blanket, given him a kiss and tried to give him a bottle.
I can't believe hayden will be 2 in 6 days. it's crazy i tell ya! I still don't know what we're going to get him.