
Sep 13, 2008 13:11

Anna was a pretty big baby, 8 pounds 4 ounces, and she was born forehead first. I guess she wanted to see where she was going. I declared her an only child, but I'm already reconsidering that position. This is a testament to the power of maternal hormones.

Anna ended up with jaundice from the huge bruise on her forehead, and she has some feeding issues, but otherwise she's doing fantastic. My mom is here for three weeks and Joe has a month off from work, and all three of us are caring for Anna full time. I have no earthly idea how single moms do it.

We sometimes call her Anna and sometimes Ania, and sometimes the Banana. We were pretty out of it and didn't realize that this an inappropriate nickname for a jaundiced baby.

Her hair looked gray from the vernix caseosa -- it's blond now. But she still looks a lot like Winston Churchill.
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