well, sine I have da time ima dO an update. ItSz been awhile. Well, letSz see.. Ive been hang`n out wid Jestin quite a bit even thO heSz suppOsed tO be grOunded frOm his car.. sure dOnt seem it. lOl. HeSz usually over everyday afta schOol and shit.. umm wut else... oOo damnnn definitely gOt sum new clOtheSz. Theyre suppOsed tO be fOr ValentineSz day but my mama gave me sum of em a few daySz agO damnnnn theyre fly.. I gOt this rocawear jaCcket thatSz PINK :o) and i gOt a shirt tO gO underneath it.. rOcawear also.. she shOwed me the other stuff and I gOt anOther rOcawear shirt and a playbOy bunny sweater.. and the shirtSz blue and the sweater is PINK .. ahh I lOve my mama! :o) She knOsz I lOve pink if u cant tell. hehe. me and Jestin gOt intO a little fight one day in 3rd blOck. It was mah fault and I felt real bad bOut if afta. We were gOing dOwn tO phOtOgraphy and he was stand`n at the tOp of the stairSz and I came up behind him and cOvered his eyeSz but I guess I hit him wen I did it and he gOt pissed off and heSz like get off me.. r u stupid? sOo I walked off and went to my lOcker and tO the bathrOom. Well wen I gOt tO class, he sitSz next tO me sOo I jus ignOred him. Then I had tO mOve cuz my cOmputer that I was sitting at was messed up sOo I didnt talk tO him that whOle time til my cOmputer was fixed. Then, wen I gO bak there heSz basically ignOring me nOw. I tried tO get him tO talk tO me but he jus wOuldnt. It was near the end of class sOo I jus was like oOk watever. Wen the bell rang we went ta lunch and he was fine. He was talk`n tO me and shit. It was oOk thO cuz I understand why he ignOred me. And wen he called me stupid he was dOing it like he alwaySz dOes and he dOesnt mean it like Im really stupid (Ive already gOtten intO thOse fightSz with him) Soo everythingSz fine there. Ummm.. yea he came over tOday and wen he came in his handSz were cOld sOo he kept tOuching me with them and shit and it was freezing.. then he gOes outside and getSz friggen snOw and I ran in my rOom and shut the dOor and he pushed open the dOor and I jumped on the bed and he stuCk the snOw dOwn my pantSz.. omg it was sOo cOld. After we jus went on the cOmputer and then I gOt in the shOwer cuz I didnt knO he was cOming and he came in the bathrOom and open the shOwer curtain on me! I was like OMG! u scared the shit outta me. He jus laughed and went bak tO the cOmputer. I gOt out and yea.. then we were jus hang`n out and beat`n on each other. It was fun :o) I had a gOod day and I really didnt think I wOuld. Shawn called him here and he was bring`n his mOm tO LebanOn sOo he was gunna stOp by tO see Jestin sOo JestinSz like call me wen ur clOse and Ill gO hOme sOo he gOt off the phOne and then later on shawn called and he left.. :( tear tear.. sOo nOw im here actually updating my journal.. umm.. yea.. Im bOred nOw and Im eatin ramen nOodleSz. JestinSz gunna cOme bak over at 6 or sOo cuz ShawnSz nOt staying over or atleast he dOesnt think. omg wOow I fOrgOt the mOst impOrtant newSz.. sOo stupid of me. WE MIGHT BE MOVING!! IntO a REAL hOuse. fOr yOu peOple whO dOnt knO me... Ive lived in a trailOr .. if I find any of yOu hOeSz and hating bitcheSz hat`n I will find ur stupid aSs and fuCckin wreCck yOu. AnywaySz O:) ... thereSz this hOuse in Milton (where I live nOw) thatSz $239,900 and my parentSz put an offer fOr $230,000. ItSz 3 bedrOomSz 2 1/2 bathrOomSz, living rOom, dining rOom, kitchen and family rec rOom and basement and attic. ItSz sOo nice. I will get pictureSz of it and put em up sOo yOu guySz can see it. I hOpe the peOple accept our offer cuz I really want that hOuse. It has 2.55 acreSz and it has a POOL!!! ItSz definitely a party hOuse cuz the backyard itSz sOo big and itSz all flat... it alsO has a vOlleyball net. ItSz awesum! ItSz right acrOss frOm the tOwn beach but whO careSz cuz it has a pOol. It has access tOo the ATV & snOwmobile trailSz and everything! :-D Im sOo excited. My rOom is already chOsen if we get the hOuse. ItSz 13 x 13.. my lil sisterSz is only 8 x 12 LMAO.. my parentSz rOom is fuCckin HUGE. ItSz 16 x 24 and takeSz up half the friggen hOuse! I lOve it. It has the remOte cOntrOl ceiling fan and traCck lightSz.. omg itSz awesum. The bathrOom upstairSz has polaroized shOwer thingerSz.. lOl. Jestin tOld me that was pretty expensive. I was like damnnn this hOuse is sOo nice. oOo yea Jestin went with us tO the hOuse lOl. I tOld my mama if we mOve there he was definitely sleeping over a lOt. If my mOm will let us then I REALLY hOpe we mOve there. GOD Im sOo excited!!!!!!! well, Im gunna finish up eat`n them ima straighten my hair.. take sum pictureSz and pOst em with the piCtureSz of the hOuse.. aiight *LaTa*
OMG peOple.. WE GOT THE HOUSE!! They accepted our offer tOday and we gOt the hOuse.. we dO have tO wait a few mOnthSz tO mOve in but whO careSz.. NEW HOUSE!! They have tO gO tO cOurt fOr sumthing on the deed cuz of the land line or sumthin like that.. itSz all good thO!! I wOuldve pOsted this earlier but the man was here.. :o) we hung out fOr quite a bit tOday.. which is gOod.. well hereSz sum pictureSz of the hOuse
^the frOnt of the hOuse
^the back of the hOuse w/ the pOol and the v-ball net
^v-ball net again
^the kitchen.. yea.. the wall with the magenta colored is the living rOom wall.. itSz wicked cute
oOo shittt .. damn yOu guySz.. v-day is arOund the cOrner and I havent gOt shit fOr the man yet.. gOt any ideaSz that wOuld be cheap.. well nOt tOo cheap but sumthing gOod.. I was think`n of gett`n him sum clOtheSz cuz he needSz sum but idk.. :/ AHHHH! oOo yea.. I need ideaSz fOr a cute new header.. Im gunna be requestin one sOon but Im nOt sure wut ta dO fOr it.. I think I might dO me and Jestin if I get him tO let me take mOre pictureSz of us.. fuCckin male.. lOl jp.. well if nOt then I need sum ideaSz.. maybe *Yeah* or sum other tight sOng.. peOple I needSz ideaSz .. ahh Im sOo clueless.. sucha loser! ;]~
^the living room (that was their "sitting room"
^this will be a pool table room with a little bar.. this was their living room..
^itSz gangggsstaaaa
^on the phOne with mah babeSz
^all the gurlie gurlieSz wanna see the yOunguna wen they see the rOcawear ;]
yea lOok like shitt but eh, wud else is new.. definitely lOve my jacket thO :o)