(no subject)

Jan 26, 2006 10:14

things are going the same. i still don't have a job, but i have a 2nd interview today at 2:30. im hoping things work out with this one. however, karl, my exboyfriend (the one who fucked my roommate) said if i don't have a job in about 15 days, he can get me a job as a secretary where he works at. reason he says 15 days, is that gives me more time to get clean and to make sure that im clean. whatever, i'll try anything right now.

my mom let thomas move back in. i think it was because if he wasn't staying here than neither was i and then she wouldn't be seeing the baby. i don't care what her reasons are for letting him back, im just happy that she did.

we found someone who will take the dent out of my car for 50 bucks. i can't wait till that happens cause that dent is making my car look like shit. i could still kill him for doing that shit. and my mom even told him if something like that ever happens again, he will have to answer to her. and im sorry, when my mom is mad, it's never ever pretty.

school is going good. i was a little behind with all the drama going on between me and him but i caught myself up yesterday. i also got the evaluation for one class for week one. i got 130 points out of 130 points. and my instructor said he likes my responses to all of the discussion questions and he was impressed with my speech assignment. yeah that totally made my day.

thomas sold his oldsmobile to his sister the other day. we bought a blazer and is now there working on it and filling up all the fluids and whatnot. im happy. just as long as were not down to one car for a long period of time, im okay. im kinda pissed that he's doing it right now cause i have that interview at 2:30 and i wanted to get my nails done before i went there. plus it's not easy to get everything done around the house and my remaining homework done when im taking care of the baby. but oh well. i can't be too mad, at least he has a car.

the baby is doing good. she is constantly talking. and she is getting so big. it feels like yesterday when i brought her home. she's alot more happier and she is still sleeping through the night. i count my blessings with that. i know im lucky with her, she is so good. i know i may complain, but really, she is a good baby. were going to get her pictures done soon cause she can hold her head up really good now. i can't wait. but i think she might be getting sick. she's coughing a little bit and that makes me scared cause she was around a baby who is recovering from HPV and that is really scary, especially when she is so young. im hoping im just being paranoid.

so i was rading this thing on aol saying that bush hasn't seen brokeback mountain. is anyone surprised by this? i mean come on, he is completely opposed to anything relating to gay people. that closeminded fuck. i can't wait till his term is over. maybe the next guy won't be anything like him. god we can only hope.

gotta go and finish this homework shit. sigh.
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