I'm still here!

Mar 11, 2012 17:06

Yeeesh! How long has it been?

So my news has backed up for quite a long time, so I shall bullet point it and hope someone still reads this blog!

* J and I moved out of my family home in October. We are still in Carlisle but are now in an awesome little cottage in a very rural area. It's been great for our relationship, which is stronger than ever.

* My little bro and his Finance have moved four doors down from my family home. They have a baby on the way, due in September! This was a really big surprise and a really good one. I can't wait to be an Auntie so I can have someone to read to and play all the good old games with!  Family hollidays in Cornwall can once again include sandcastles!

*I'm full time at the Library. It's been a year since I quit at the Castle, and it turns out I got out in time before the heart and sould got ripped out of the place. Hours were cut and most of the staff made redundant. I really miss working for E.H/. What's not to love about working on Hadrian's Wall or at A Castle with a bunch of people as in love with History as you? Ah well. I can enjoy those sites as a tourist again.

* I'm still waiting for my job at the Library to get boring or stressful. It isn't. I'm enjoying myself immensley with lovely colleages and lovely bosses. I'm in book heaven. I've even joined the staff reading group.

* I've fallen in love with Manchester. I spent a day and a bit there and love Chinatown!

Current Music: Runrig
Current Book: The Last Hundred Days-Patrick McGinness
Current Audiobook:Wild Swans-Jung Chan

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