I couldn't help but post this

Nov 13, 2008 00:05

The valley is a strange place.

Case in point....I was just watching the news and couldn't not post this. A local woman (Ms. De La Rosa) who had arthritis was visted by a blonde woman who spoke perfect spanish. The blonde woman seemed to know alot about Ms. De La Rosa. De la Rosa thought that the woman was a "doctora" and could help her. (a doctora is essentially a folk doctor that uses magic to cure....and it's really common here.)Once the blond woman was in the house she asked for dimond rings and all the money in the house (several thousand dollars). Ms de la Rosa abided but began to suspect that this woman was not as she put it a "woman of god". Ms. De La Rosa's mother felt evil in the house and feared that the blonde woman would kidnap her grandson (kidknaping also something very common here....but usually cartel related and never targeting children). The blond lady then began to speak in a "weird tounge unrecognizable". The blonde woman then supposedly took the money and jewlery, wrapped it in a red bandana and attached it to De La Rosa's bra on her backside. She then told de la rosa that she needed to wear it for 3 weeks and couldn't even take it off to bathe, stating that if she did, she would die. The blonde woman then left. Several hours later De La Rosa got the courage to take the bandana from her bra and saw that instead of money and rings, there were cut up pieces of paper. She then called the police. The police were freaked out and told her that she had been visited by an evil witch. They then proceeded to instruct her to burn everything the blonde lady had touched in order to cleanse the house of evil....to which she did. Now all the neighbors are freaked out because they think they were visited by a minon of satan. This place is so fucking wierd. I'm sure burning evidence is rule number one in police training. This is what you get when you start police officers at 7.13 an hour for a starting wage......that and a corupt official escorting the trafficing drugs through city limits...(which sadly is also very common here.) As soon as the video feed is avaiable I'll post it. It's just too strange not to mention.
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