Nov 27, 2006 19:46
My job is driving me crazy. It's official. I could go on forever but I'll do my best not to. Long story short. I'm being stymied by my boss with no hope for a raise or advancement. The coruption is pretty intense here and that's driving me a little crazy too. My oppurtunities are pretty limited here as is the pay but for now I have to stay put and wait it out. It's going to take Rodolfo a while to get to the point where he has the freedom of mobility in the United States at least. I'm changing careers once and for all. Politics is not for me. It just all feels so slimy and there is no creative outlet. It's interesting about urban planning. It's marketed as a creative field and it attracts creative types. As for me I'm all about architecture and design and naively that's waht I thought I was getting into when I set down this road back in the early 1990's. Most of Planning is nothing but. Lots of wordsmithing, playing politics, and legal jargon. So this I must change. I'm going down the education route. I want my life and my freedom back. Then on my own time I want to persue real estate...maybe go on to a doctorate. I'll have to leave the area here at some point. In the land that is neither mexico or the united states possibilities for advancement are few....unless or course you are related to the right family with good blood or connections.....because clearly knowledge, ambition, and experience only work to hold you back in this kind of environment. Very frustrating and stifling to say the least. That's all I want to say there. Plus there are issues on the homefront that need to be worked out. We are hitting some fundemental differences that I hope we can get beyond. I won't go into detail there either but some of you know some of the issues. The house is being rented out as of December 1st with a lease option to purchase so I don't have to worry about the pressing mortgage and that helps me a bit. Gives me more options for sure if I need to exercise them. Not quite sure where this is all going to end up but then again I never do. The trick is to get through it all. Though I bitch and scream along the way, survival has been one of my stronger points. I've without a doubt proved that time and time again...certainly with emotional support from a great many of my friends....I know I'm pretty lucky in that aspect. Whatever my future may bring I want oppurtunities, I want creativity, I want to grow, I want to be healthy, happy and free to live my life openly. Here's to an early new years wish! Now if I could just shake this nasty cold! Step by step.