Written by: mamazano
Title: Birthdays Come But Once A Year
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Jack/Will
Disclaimer: Disney owns them, I just like playing with them.
A/N: Jack plans a very special birthday for Will. Set in the Museum AU, with references to Havana. Written for my darling
danglingdingle , on the occasion of her very own special birthday. Happy Birthday, darling!!
Part 1:
Birthdays ****
Will tried to pretend he hadn’t noticed Jack’s furtive behavior of the past few weeks - the whispered phone calls, the hastily stashed brochures, the sudden silences when he approached. After all, it was because of one similar situation that they’d had a gut-wrenching row, only to find out that Jack had been trying to plan a surprise getaway for the two of them. This time, with Will’s birthday approaching, it was obvious that was what Jack was up to, for better or for worse.
And worse was always a distinct possibility. Jack had the amazing knack for finding the most outrageous outings he could, convinced that Will should experience everything possible in his time ashore. And, the years had provided more and more of that, to the point where Will’s presence on the Flying Dutchman was barely needed, AnaMaria having proved to be a most capable and fair Captain in his stead.
Yet, one could not blame Will for being a bit concerned, especially when he was overhearing snatches of conversations that included, “no deaths this year”; “equipment failure possible”; “insurance recommended”.
So, when Jack bolted out the door with a peck and promise not to be late, Will’s curiosity got the better of him. Making sure Jack’s was gone, Will casually sauntered over to the roll top desk, an antique from their sailing days, pulled the right-side drawer open, and pressed down on the bottom to reveal the secret compartment.
Inside were stuffed a wide array of brochures, pamphlets, bits of paper with notes and numbers scribbled on them, odds and ends of various shape and size, and a lump of moldy cheese. Wrinkling his nose at the odoriferous object, Will set it aside and straightened out the wad of colored advertising in his hand.
Eco tours of the rainforest in Belize. Cave diving in Brazil. Mountain climbing in the Himalayas. Swimming with the Great White Sharks on the Great Barrier Reef. Rappelling down a volcano in Hawaii. Dog sled racing in Alaska.
Will shook his head and smiled fondly. Ah, Jack, he thought. So many adventures. Each one different that the other, each one meant to exhilarate and amaze. And truthfully, for all the thought that went into each, all Will really wanted for his birthday was Jack. Nothing more, nothing less. Jack was an adventure, exhilarating and amazing just as he was.
Nothing more, nothing less.
The key sounded in the latch. Smiling, Will tucked the pamphlets back in their hidey-hole and turned to greet his lover. He’d allow Jack to plan their next adventure, and whether riding a zip line in the canopy of a rainforest, or down a steaming volcano, his life-line would always be tied to one man.
He would have to draw the line though at swimming with the sharks.