So I contributed to the SMASH! travelling artbook again this year. Yup. Actually it was a while ago but...yeah, whatever. Getting around to it now!
Obvious mashup is obvious.
Deerling has become my go to pokemon for when I need to draw something pokemon-related that people will probably like. Kind of like the eevees of genV, you know?
That...reminds me I should do genV pokemon stickers for smash aaah too much to do.
If any Australians reading are interested in getting something into the travelling artbook this year you can shoot them an email at . I'm not sure if they'll have time to fit in any more people since it's less than a month to the con now but you can try? :S Other than that it should be around for people to sketch in at the convention itself! So. That's cool.
With any luck the first artbook proof will arrive TODAY. Cross fingers.