TEN THOUSAND GLITCHES LATER I FINALLY FINISH HEROES OF MIGHT AND MAGIC V. The ending was wholely unsatisfying, never mind all the trouble it took to get there. ;_; Also? I hate every character from the human Empire argharghargh, they had the worst voice acting and most mary sues. Every other racial leader was pretty cool, bro! Just the humans. :C
I don't think anyone bug tested that game or even played through the campaign like once. :| SO MANY bugs that happened in the course of normal play, not even when I was doing anything obscure. IN FACT in the end grinding or breaking the game was the only way to win. Um. Hm. Mm.
In other news. Saw Joey today? Our relationship continues to be weird and frustrating. :/ Y-you can't break up with me and then try to make out with me every time I see you in person but still maintain the break up. I'm pretty sure that's not how it...works.
OH WELL WHATEVER. Tiny art post:
This is approximately the style I'm animating my (new) final project in - might tone down the cute in the end result. Story/script is a lot more solid this time around so wish me the best!
I'm into textures lately. You can probably tell.
Other than that, I need to art more. A lot more. In fact I'm going to go make some art right now.