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Name: Mae
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Character Information
Name: Maria Auditore da Firenze
Fandom: Assassin's Creed
Timeline Summary: During Brotherhood at the time where she is assisting Claudia in looking after the courtesans and gathering of information for the Assassins at the Rosa in Fiore.
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Personality: While it is her husband and children that wield the blade of the assassin, Maria need only use her words to leave a lasting impression on another. Maria's greatest strengths are her wits and heart, both in which she uses to raise and protect her family. The love she has for her remaining son and daughter is one that should never be trifled with. After losing Giovanni, Frederico, and Petruccio, she doesn't want to lose Ezio or Claudia before her time comes to an end. She would do anything for them. Protect them no matter the cost.
Maria has always had a kind heart. Despite her growing up in such a noble family, she always been far more comfortable with those of other classes. She does not judge anyone based on class or ranking. Any judgement she passes is based on who that person is behind the title. She preferred to be around 'real' people. People who did have to hide for the sake of their political values. It would explain why she developed a working friendship with Leonardo da Vinci. Maria always seemed to know just the right sort of people.
It is her heart that guides her. But because of the love she holds for her family, it could easily be considered as a double edge-sword. Upon the discovery that her husband and half of her children were hung in the city square, Maria went into shock. She did not speak to anyone or even show any sign of hearing them either. This took years for her to come out that dark place though, and all she could do was pray and struggle to pull herself together. Claudia, Ezio, Mario-- they needed her just as much as she needed them.
Even at her age she is still a determined and passionate woman, even after all those years where grief had taken it's toll. Everything she does she does so with all of her being. Despite the risks involved she refused to listen to her son to leave the Rosa in Fiore. It was there that she could be of help to him just as Claudia would. This was the only way for her to be with what family she had left.
As the mother to a pair of assassins there is a particular method to raising children. While both require a stern lecture and a loving embrace from time to time, she also acts as a reminder to them both as to what their responsibilities are; Ezio in particular.
Oh she had given him grief before about finding more than one type of outlet for his activities. She had watched him grow up from a young boy to a grown man. A man that she knew her husband would be proud of. However, because of the events that had taken place, she watched as her son was forced to grow up far too quickly, when all she really wanted was for both him and Claudia to start their own families and live a happy life. As for Claudia, it was easier for her to stay by her daughter's side. Up until she became a member of the order a year before Maria's passing, Claudia was able to stay closer to home, to which Maria was grateful for. The two women were able to support one another in times of need, as well as to work together to help Ezio by running the Rosa in Fiore.
Powers, Skills, and Abilities: Based on "Lineage" she has proven to be knowledgeable in at least the basics of first aid. She knows how to clean and sew up wounds, as shown when she was tending the injury Giovanni had received in the live-action three-episode mini-series. Maria has also capable of running a business which she first learned how to do when she opened her own bakery in her younger years. This later transferred to her helping Claudia run the brothel.
First Person:
[ The video feed turns on although the holder of the device is unaware of it's functions. All that can be seen was fabric of a fine pattern as well as the tips of the holder's fingers from curling around it. Instead, they're distracted with the room they're in. From the sound of it, they're clearly very new to this place. ]
Dio mio... "Aliunde"? I have never heard of place by that name.
[ There's a sudden shift on the video screen. Having lifted it up for her to examine, Maria's face was now in full view, even if she was not aware that it was recording her every word and appearance. ]
A strange place, a strange contraption... I do not understand. [ Her gaze turns away as she looks around. She refuses to panic in this situation but that doesn't keep her eyes from reflecting the worry that she felt. She murmured something under her breath, something about "a strange man from before" before speaking up. ] Signore? Are you still there? [ And then, in a softer tone, sheadded with what sounded almost like a plea. ] Claudia?
[ There's a pause as she waits for an answer that wasn't coming. When it sunk in that she was, in fact, alone, a small sigh escaped her. There's more movement as she looks away and walks over to where the window is. There is only a profile view of her face now as she looks out beyond the glass. Her eyebrows narrow as both curiosity and confusion settle. Then, she looked to the device in her hand again. ]
And what of you? What sort of peculiar little object are you?
Third Person:
The book in her hands, while open, was neglected where it was. Sitting by the window of her room, Maria had long since lost interest in the text on the pages, offering to stare out beyond the window panes. Night had long since fallen on the city and yet there were still plenty of citizens out on the streets. She could just make out their silhouettes in the dark but when they passed under lights lit throughout the square she recognized a few of the courtesans.
When she rested the side of her head against the window, she felt the cool glass against her skin. while her slowly greying hair gathered loosely over her shoulders and back. The only sounds were the occasionally muffled ones from outside. Other than that Maria was left in the company of silence. The corners of her lips had the faintest signs of a smile when her gaze shifted to the night sky above. The stars were out, as was a sliver of the moon.
Absently her fingertips played at the edge of a page as she watched. The same prayer she had spoken just an hour before her first attempt to sleep echoed in her mind. A prayer for her husband whom was taken from her. For her two sons who were robbed of their futures. For the protection of her remaining son and only daughter. To give hope to friends that were by their side, as well as their safety too.
A barely audible sigh passed from her lips when she closed her eyes.
"Amore mio, watch over our children. It is a selfish thing to wish them to stay safely with me, I know. It was selfish of me to wish that you would not leave me too. The life you lived has been passed on to your son and that is not something can change. He is a strong, fine young man, just as you were."
Again that smile appeared, a tired but one of caring tenderness.
"I will continue to be as strong as I can for Claudia and for Ezio. But I may need a little help from you, amore mio."