Jul 13, 2003 12:18
i must admit, i haven't really read much livejournal lately and i haven't really updated either, so i don't really know whats going on with anyones lives, but mine is pretty fucking good.
although, i miss kyle and ralph something fierce.
katie and i went to joe's crab shack last night with her mom and her boyfriend, they were really funny. katie won a coloring contest, it was a good time. but in all honesty, i'm pretty sure that i could shovel horse shit with katie and have a blast. shes amazing.
i work too much.
HOLY SHIT. my uncle came to town last night and slept in my bed. so last night i had probably the worst night sleep ever and i slept in 3 different places. so i wake up this morning and he had left....BUT i go into my dresser to get my pants and the 3 year old porn that used to be at the bottom of that dresser was now scattered about it and had obviously been viewed. i'm washing my sheets today i'll tell ya that much.
fuck you guys i know its gross.