Oct 22, 2006 20:40
So as some of you may know, I came out to my parents on Friday. I let them read the paper I had written for world lit which was about coming out to my friends. It seemed fine at first but idk, today they just pissed me off. So I've been pretty much gone all weekend with work and the PSAT's and all that, so we didn't really have time to talk about it. SO today, after orchestra rehearsal, I decided to call in sick to work since I've been feeling shitty all day and my head's been pounding and my nose is stuffy and my throat is so freakin DRY! Well, now I'm starting to wish I had gone in to work...
As soon as I got home from orchestra I changed into my pajamas and my parents decided it was time to "talk". It was pretty much my dad bombarding me with questions about "why did I think I was gay" "did you have a gay experience?" "do you really want to be with a man the rest of your life?" "do you know how gays make love?" oh and then there was my mom's wonderful comment about AID's and how I could end up with it. But yeah, they say "oh we still love you, your still our son" and "if the family decides to disown us because of it we'll still stand by you and your choices".
I was so fucking uncomfortable and irritated with them. I mean, I understand they're confused. Oh, and then they try to explain to me how not all people are going to accept me and how some people might beat me up when they find out and how they just want me to understand. I'm the one who's gay, not you, I think I already realized all that shit years ago. And then they kept bugging me and asking if I wanted counseling. They're probably the ones that need counseling for the issue, not me. I accepted myself YEARS ago and now it's their turn. They act like I"m just confused or something.
OH MY FUCKING GOD!! and here's the dumb question of the week for ya. My parents ask me "Is that why you want to move to France?" Because, apparently, there are tons of gays in France! Whether or not it be true, my wanting to go to France has nothing the fuck to do with me being gay. Dumbasses!
They're so ignorant sometimes it pisses me off! And then they tell me that they're very open-minded and, according to my dad, he's the LEAST likely person to make a judgment on someone. RIIIIGHT... But yet, they sit there and call people fags on tv all the time just because some guy has a bit of a lisp or something or acts a bit "different". WHATEVER.