Jun 03, 2009 22:08
Yep, Time flys. As my grandma put it, its like a roll of TP. The closer to the end you get the faster it goes. Hell It honestly seams like yesterday when I was a kid. Could I really be so close to 30? Is my oldest child really about to turn 13?!? I feel like I blinked and someone hit the fast forward button on my life. I was running through my neighborhood hair uncombed, barefoot and dirty chasing and being chased by my friends that lived next door. Learning my colors shapes and numbers were my biggest concerns because everything else was beyond me. Then I was In Jr. High And learning what an affect I had on boys my own age and trying to deal with my parents drama over there divorce. Then There I was in High school and falling for my first in so many ways and then finding out I was pregnant at 16 and having to face the future with only a disproving mother on my side. Then I wasn't pregnant and I was holding my baby boy and singing Happy birthday on his 1st b-day. That was the first time it really hit me how fast time flys. Then I turned around and found myself falling for a friend... Me fall for a friend?!?! Well it happened! Turn around again and Were married and I'm pregnant again. Blink and Here I am looking 30 in the face with an amazing husband I still don't know what I did to deserve, raising 3 yep 3 beautiful boys that I cant imagine life with out. Were currently looking to buy our first house but by no means are we in a rush but I know next time I look I'll be packing and unpacking or with the way things go for me possible celebrating another first birthday and wondering how time got away from me. There arent any words to describe my desire to capture my life or at least slow it down so I could enjoy it the way I would like but I know just like everyone out there I'm here for the ride so I'm going to laugh, love and hold the hell on.