Team Sam Fic: Sam's Addiction

Jul 12, 2012 10:06

Title: Sam's Addiction
Author: mamapranayama
Rating: G
Genre: Gen, humor
Summary: Sam's addiction is not what you think.

A/N: I wrote this based on this pic here made by mandraco that really tickled me, but don't look at it until you have read the story or you'll spoil the surprise. ;)

Sam’s Addiction

Sam has always been very careful to hide this.

This is something he definitely doesn’t want Dean to find out about.

Sometimes he does it when he knows Dean is going to be out a few hours and sometimes,  if Dean is asleep and the urge to do it overwhelms him, he goes into the bathroom, shuts the door, locks it and pulls out his paraphernalia.

It was Jess who taught him how to do it, not that he blames her for his addiction, but if he hadn’t seen how calm and peaceful it made her when she did, he probably never would have tried it.

And now … when things get too full in his head or when evil seems to seep into every corner of his life, he needs this to give him some comfort and an outlet for his frustrations - some sense of control and something other than misery and gloom to focus on.

Tonight is one of those nights; a night when he can’t shut off his mind and just sleep and he feels the itch … the need to do it.

Quietly, Sam slips out of bed and reaches for his bag, taking it with him into the bathroom. He sits down on the toilet and opens the bag, pulling out his needles and getting to work.

He must have been really tired, because he forgot to lock the door and only twenty minutes into his quiet bliss, the door to the bathroom suddenly opens and reveals a shocked older brother, his mouth agape, speechless.

“Uh … Dean … ” He quickly tries to put the needles away, but it’s too late. Dean has seen everything.

Dean finally seems to find his voice, “Sam … what the Hell are you doing?”

“This isn’t what it seems.” Sam stammers quickly before gulping heavily.

“Not what it seems?” Dean asks incredulously, pointing to the needles, “What else would you be doing with those?”

“Well … uh … I can explain …”

“Really? How long had this been going on?”

Sam sighs and figures he might as well tell his brother the truth, even if he’s going to give him crap about it for the rest of his life.

“Jess showed me how to do it when we were dating. It’s … it’s just relaxing, alright? It takes my mind off of things.”

Dean just stares at Sam for several moments before speaking up again, “So … you’ve been hiding those … things … all this time… why?”

“Because … I figured you wouldn’t understand - it’s not something you would ever try and God knows Dad would have kicked my ass ten times to next Tuesday if he knew I was doing this, so yeah … it’s something I kept to myself and … I’m sorry.”

Dean sighs, “Okay … just uh … let me ask you something.”


“That scarf you gave me a few weeks ago … that wasn’t from the store was it?”

“No … I made that.” Sam looks down at his knitting needles then picks them up. Another scarf, half-way completed unfurls itself (it’s all he knows how to make and most of those that he’s completed, save for the one he gave Dean, he’s dropped into the bin for the Salvation Army).

Dean nods then shakes his head with a little grin that he tries to hide, “Dude … you’re such a weirdo. But uh … if it makes you happy then … I guess you don’t have to sit and do it on the toilet. Just promise me you won’t be sitting in a bar doing that crap while I’m trying to score, I don’t want your gayness rubbing off on me.”

“Shut up, Jerk. It’s not gay.”

Dean just kinda snorts and walks out. Yeah … Sam’s gonna get crap about this for ages.

Oh well …

Knit one, purl two, knit one, purl two, knit one, purl two …

The End
More knitting fic here:  It's Not Gay

fanfic, sam, humor

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