A Sam Winchester Drabble Collection

May 28, 2012 07:36

 A Sam Winchester Drabble Collection


Sammy really liked Jenny.

She was funny, liked watching Thundercats, and lived in the apartment building right beside the motel. In just two short days she had become Sammy’s new best friend and they did everything together, even though she was a yucky girl.

They played outside mostly, but one day it was raining and Jenny convinced Sammy to come to her place and play.

Sammy went home later that day with his nails painted and hair done up in plastic, rainbow clips sloppily applied by six year old hands.

Suddenly, Sammy wasn’t allowed to play at Jenny’s place anymore.

When I Grow Up

“How was school today, Squirt?”

“Stupid … I had to say what I want to be when I grow up and everyone laughed at me.”

“You tell ‘em that you want to be as cool as your big brother? ‘Cause really, no one should laugh at something as awesome as that.”

“No … I said I wanted to be a garbage man, like Dad.”

“Dad’s not a garbage man, Sammy.”

“But … he said that he takes trash off of the street. Isn’t that what they do?”

Dean pulled Sammy in close for a noogie, unable to tell him the truth, “Yeah - I guess that’s close enough.”


He knew he couldn’t keep the kitten, no matter how much he begged.

But the poor thing was starving and little more than a tiny scrap of fur and bones -- he couldn’t just let her die.

He petted the purring baby as she ate his leftover tuna sandwich and realized that she didn’t have a mother or a permanent home -  she just like him.

But unlike the kitten, Sammy had Dean, and maybe for a little while, before it was time for them to leave again, he could take care of her the way his brother took care of him.

My Heart Will Go On, the Prequel

1997 ...

He couldn’t stop it.

He tried in vain to keep it at bay, but it was coming and even in the darkness he knew that he’d be found out.

He choked on the lump in his throat while attempting to even out his breathing without being noticed.

“Dude … are you … are you crying?”

Too late

“What? No … just got something in my eye.”

“Awww, Sammy …” His brother snorted derisively, “if I knew Titanic would get you so verklempt I would have left you at the room.”

Sam swiped at the tears, embarrassed, “Shut up, jerk.”

Starry Night

“Sammy? Whatcha doing out here? It’s 3 am.”

Sam lay on the ground, looking up at the sky, his hands pillowing the back of his head.

“S’the the best time to watch meteors."

Dean sat down next Sam before lowering his back to the ground, mirroring his brother by placing his hands under his head as well, their elbows just touching.

“And why are we doing this?”

“Because it’s peaceful.”

Dean looked up at the map of stars. A flaming fireball streaked across the clear sky as though it had come to Earth just for them.

And yes … it was peaceful.

Tattoo Pallor


“Relax, Sam. The more you tense up the more it’s gonna hurt.”

“Yeah, you say that now, but you just wait until it’s your turn.”

“So, what? You’re afraid of a few little needle pokes now?”

“This is more than just a … ooomph … few pokes, jerk.”

“Hey, this was your brilliant idea, remember?”

“Don’t … sssss … remind me.”

Later …

“It’s your turn now -- go on, the guy’s waiting.”

“Yeah, yeah … Gimme a sec.”

“Dude, you look like you’re gonna pass out.”

“I’m fine, shut up.”

“Awww, Dean … don’t worry. It’s just a few little needle pokes.”

That Shaggy Dog


“Yes, Dean?”

“When I said that Sam might need a disguise, this wasn’t what I had in mind.”

“Why not? No one will ever suspect that this is Sam Winchester.”

“Yeah, I get that … but, uh … Sam’s a dog.”

“Yes, a Bernese Mountain Dog to be precise.”

“He’s a giant furball … look at him -- He’s friggin’ huge.”

“I thought this breed matched Sam’s appearance and temperament best.”

“No, Sam … don’t do that! Get down!”

“He seems to enjoy hugging your leg.”

“This isn’t hugging, Cas. Change him back - change him back right the hell NOW!”

More Cats?



“What’s that?”

“What’s what?”

“That - in your jacket.”


“It’s not nothing - it’s moving. What are you hiding? It better not be another damned cat like that time you when were seven.”

“It’s not a cat.”

“Then what the hell is it?


“Oh jeez … you gotta be kidding me!”

“It was hurt - I had to help it. We'll just keep him for a few days until he’s better then let him go.”

“Seriously … a bunny rabbit? Where in the world …? You know what - I don’t even want to know.”

sam, humor, supernatural

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