this morning, i found the true beauty of 'repeat' in the phrase "lather, rinse, repeat"

May 22, 2005 20:39

so basically i decided that the days of my life when i feel dirtiest is the days after dances.
wearing so much makeup and NOT washing my face, getting extremely sweaty on the dance floor and not taking a shower, having my hair still done the next morning because there is so much product in it, being so drunk that when i wake up it takes a couple minutes to remember where i am, and waking up with 20/20 vision signifying that i never removed my contacts

prom was amazing, in my opinion.

i love my friends so much, everyone looked so beautiful/handsome.

shout out to my awesome date garrett thanks lj/myspace/future-facebook king

we ate dinner on a boat, we road in a huge charter bus with green rave lights, and we had a slammin' hotel which by the way it was not my fault we got kicked out... i threw a pretzel. it wasnt even a whole pretzel... i ate most of it. someone else threw a bottle.

so here's how it all started:

"hey emma, you still have one AP." "NO I DONT" "yeah you do... you have to study for AP prom." -my cheesy date gjames

he's pretty creative, i gotta give him that.

even spent the time to make all the fonts different. <3

my babies... i love them.

meghie i love you! you are beautiful!!

contrary to meghan and aaron's belief, garrett and i knew we were the best looking couple there.

honestly, you cant compete.

meghan and i make an attractive couple as well.

i've seen your bitches, senior bitches.

this girl is gorgeous, as is her dress.

she looked daaammmn good.

sneak preview of our couple picture.

favorite picture #1

give me back my cd i hate you

homecoming date and anonymous asian man.

her dress shed a lot.

this one was my favorite of the group shots because everyone is laughing. but no one knows what they are laughing at anymore.

kafgd;kgfdjsdgf bus!

double aljga;fgjakfg bus!

i guess you could say we're pretty cute.

thats paul's hand, yes he got acrylics.

shanntel likes to grab girls' boobies. theres another one later...

i inspired this man to get an lj.

"romantic" as blake wu would say.

i heart random poses

the nikki/emma signature photograph

lesbianic shanntel picture number 2.

ben's boobs are my favorite, what about you?

this one is super romantic. favorite picture #2

i love my jen soh so so much. i just need a picture of jenny now and then i have all of my best friends :)

bff since 3rd grade. bestest best friends day. every friday, jenny and i exchanged random presents. i bet you never did that with your friends. we were awesome. she is gorgeous.
now this entry contains pictures with all of my bests :) see if you can spot all 5. haha

i love tayler. i loves sleeping at trevor's all day today, in every single room, and searching for a one hour photo.

that is a happy cup. it contains happiness inside.


favorite picture #3

tayler, as seen through a pretzel. favorite picture #4

i hid in the closet. it had nothing to do with the pretzels. i was just hoping to hide so i wouldnt get kicked out, but they kicked out EVERYONE so it just didnt work out as planned. justin, as seen through the closet doors.

and, for some reason, this seems emotionally appropriate:

bye bye, high school.

ps you better comment.

oh yes, and my quote of the night at trevor's house: "I've seen your bitch."
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