It was in the mid 50's and I spent the day raking the yard and playing outside with the kids. So no post office run for me today. I had an awesome stockling at
Uinversal Mama I also want to show off some pics of my favorite new project. felted, dyed and embellished egg crackers.
Ilove how this one came out!
another view, I dip dyed it
stalkermagnet won it as part of set I had on auction
I also did this one
I am hoping to get some more done tomorrow, banning another awesome day like today. OMG I got such spring fever it isnt even funny. Oz and I talked about where we are going to put the swing set for the kids, the sand box, my clothesline, and the new fence. I have tons of bulbs coming from
brecks There is so much I want to do. I can't believe I am sitting up at almost 2:30 writing this. I am going to be too fricken tired to do anyof it. Baby Oz aka Mason had a bad night last night and I think I am so over tired I just can't sleep.
I am expecting a 50 yard roll of hemp corduroy to dye and make bags with tomorrow. Woot!!! I have also set a personal challenge to sew each of the small kids at least 3 items over the next 2 weeks. I bought 2 patterns tonight and will be starting to cut hopefully tomorrow as well. Lets hope I can get at least 1 thing done. Okay off to potty the dogs and head to bed. Stay tuned