I haven't read Live Journal since October 1, 2008

Nov 05, 2008 21:24

That's when I started reading CNN, MSNBC, listening to Keith Olberman, and Rachel Maddow, almost every day.

I hung on every nuance of the election, every slip of Palin's tongue, and twists of the economy.

I watched MSNBC beat Bill O'Reilly six days in a row.  Watched Tina Fay and Ben Afflect do their impressions.  I actually joined the mainland of the United States on a daily basis for a while.

I caught up with the news.  That's not done here in Hawaii.  There is no one to discuss current events with.  People aren't stupid here.  They just feel that have no control over the mainland - so wtf?

It was fun! But now the election is over, and I'm attempting to catch up on my blog reading.  Please be patient with me if I comment on one of your entries from a month ago.

I do, however, agree with Motolove on lj vs Facebook. LiveJournal may be passe, but Facebook is trite and somewhat lame.

P.S. I've been inspired to greater heights by our new president elect!
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