Aug 14, 2008 21:10
damn you green poop, damn you!!
I was JUST starting to think we were finally getting to the point where we narrowed down what the allergens were and her symptoms were improving, and then BAM! today: green poop. WTF?! I can't say "back to square one" because we have made vast improvements, colic is almost gone, rash is gone....but theres still something bugging her tummy, I just need to find it. I have a feeling its wheat, just to make things difficult (and going back and thinking of things I've been eating). But I'm not sure what my plan is yet, I need to think on it more. We took her to a naturopath today, who wasn't a whole lot of help. My midwife wants me to take her to see a pediatrician in Berkeley, and my husband wants me to take her to a pediatric allergist. I'm not sure either will be able to help, but I guess I'll try both once we get paid in a week....(we have a 20$ insurance copay and 15$ to our names right now, so that kinda stinks.)
On another note, I think I need to send a thank you card to the "So Delicious" company, for making ice cream from coconut milk! Because sorry to say it, but Rice Dream rice ice cream is just kinda yucky, and I really needed an ice cream fix! I was at Whole Foods today and saw this new coconut milk kind, dairy AND soy free, and decided to splurge (its up there with ben & jerry's at 4 dollars for one of those little containers), all I gotta say is: 4 dollars VERY well spent and I can't wait to buy more! I also bought two of the yogurts, same company, also coconut milk. I haven't tried those yet but I'm guessing they're good since the ice cream rocked my socks! One good thing out of this is I'm trying lots of stuff I othrwise would never have tried. And finding some new favorite foods. And maybe I'll inspire other people to try things like live grain bread or coconut ice cream when they read this blog. That would be cool too.
One last note: I'm looking forward to La Leche League tomorrow, Mary had some good suggestions for me when we talked a week ago about the allergies. In fact, ironically, since shes the only one I'm NOT paying, shes been the best at helping me out with advice on this lol! So I hope she can stick around a little after the meeting to talk to me a little more and maybe suggest what kind of health care person I should be seeing too...
Oh, and a final tack on: my midwife wants me to see someone for my postpartum depression :( and I'm having a REALLY hard time just calling a random person off of a list from my insurance, so if anyone (who reads this? 2, 3 people? lol I need more blog readers) knows a good therapist in this area, tell me about them.
So in conclusion, green poop and depression suck, but coconut ice cream is awesome. and I need more LJ friends. the end.
ETA: I know someone is thinking "maybe the ice cream made the green poop" but it started before I even bought it, let alone ate it. :(