May 17, 2008 09:51
WHERE DID ALL MY BABY STUFF GO??!! Ok, I really do know where it went: freecycle, craigslist, friends, yard sale....
but Seriously, how can a person have a baby 21 months ago, and be so unprepared for the next one!?!?!
Mason gave me my HB supply list yesterday, and I need to have it together by 36 weeks, so 2 weeks from now. Not that I think I'll have a baby by then, but I COULD have a baby at home if I did go into labor then so I need to be prepared just in case. But putting some things together today I realized that I am REALLY unprepared! Like receiving blankets: I need 10 blankets that can get dirty for the actual birth. Not only do I not have 10 that I'm not attached to, somehow I only have two TOTAL. How do I only have two blankets!? I know I gave a bag of them to the animal shelter, but I honestly thought I had tons left! Nope, just two. I also have zero newborn hats, I need two of those for my box. And NB size clothes? nope. I have a full drawer of really cute 0-3 month stuff, but a shirt for her to wear right after birth, I'm guessing we'll need NB size, even if shes a big baby, and I have nada.
I did have socks, a blankie for after birth (not to get dirty), and a diaper (I have a couple AIOs that are NB sized) to put in there. But I think its slightly sad that I have more of the medical stuff (rubbing alcohol, thermometer, sanitary pads, etc) checked off than the baby stuff!
So, guess I need to make a little shopping trip to babies r us! (actually, probably Target because I also need washcloths, a heating pad, trash bags, a bottle of olive oil, and some purell LOL)