some musings

Apr 21, 2008 08:47

So, I think I will try to post more often, even if its redundant to my friends lol

Some things on my mind this morning:

I discovered I do not like cottage cheese. Its not really bad tasting or anything, it actually tastes like yogurt to me (I got the kind where you mix in raspberry stuff), but I can't do the chewy pieces. It reminds me of a string cheese that someone maybe decided to stick in a blender lol. Luckily my kid likes it so its not going to waste, but I think I'll stick to yogurt and get those other 3 grams of protein somewhere else (the yogurt I like has 8 grams of protein, the cheese has 11, not worth the chewy chunks!!)

Yesterday we went to SF for the day, the aquarium offered half price admission if you took MUNI (the bus), so we took BART (the subway) and then took a bus from there to pier 39. Half price for two people really is buy one get one free, so that was pretty awesome! (look at my amazing math skills there...). August had a lot of fun looking at the fish though she was a little restless at that point after all the travel. I think what she enjoyed more was chasing around the pigeons hanging out outside lol! We also wandered around the pier, she loved seeing the sea lions and making the noises they make. We decided to skip the MUNI ride back, it seemed so short while we were ON the bus, but it really was a good couple of miles and I was pooped by the end!!! My body is so sore this morning! But walking is awesome, I've been walking every single day and it really feels good!

Also, next sunday I'm going to try out going to a Unitarian Universalist church. Most people have never even heard of it (which is funny because its been around something like 400 years!), but its sort of a religion based on all religions. Its very liberal minded, based around promoting peace and love basically. It pulls a lot of teachings from humanism, and also from eastern and nature based religions, well, all religions really. I don't feel like I'm explaining it as well as I could be. But heres a website if anyone wants to read about it. and heres the part that explains it better than I can:
Anyways, I have been feeling lately like I need something new, and I really think this will be good for me. I've never really gone to church or anything though, so this will be all new for me! I feel like it fits me well because even though its easier to just say "I'm pagan" if someone asks my religion, I don't really hold much beyond the basic beliefs of it. I'm not into ritual or spellbooks, or that kind of stuff...So really, I'm not exactly a pagan, I just have similar views about the universe and spirt worlds, I like celebrating and honoring the changing seasons, etc. But I also draw a lot from taoism and buddhism, but could never adhere to the strict rules.... Basically, all the blah blahing is me saying I think I FINALLY found my place!

Ok, I was going to post pictures from yesterday, but Auggie is fighting with my cat over a shopping bag (luckily a cloth one not a plastic one!) because he wants to lay in it and she wants to carry it....

Oh, and this morning I got her to say "Auggie" (herself), "Cay-Cay" (Cadence), and "Addy" (Abby), but don't expect to hear it from her in public anytime soon LOL
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