Jul 02, 2009 15:08
I love it how the second anyone says anything not so positive about Israel, be it the government, the culture, certain community norms, they're accused of Dibat Haaretz.
Dibat Haaretz, AFAIK, is not an issur on its own, but rather, a subset of lashon hora.
These same people that are so quick to call anything not so positive about israel dibat haaretz have no problem constantly putting down Americans, chutznikim, american culture, american religious level, issues in the american frum and non frum community, american groups, etc, which is clearly lashon hora as well.
Lashon hora is allowed if its lito'eles, and sometimes that to'eles is either to work on a problem, to discuss the halachic ramifications of such a problem, to ask for advice on how to deal with such a problem, or even to give chizzuk for dealing with such a problem.
Most things that have been accused of being "Dibas Haaretz" fall under one of the aforementioned as being lito'eles.
But I get eaten alive for saying things like that.
Anyhow, i wrote this post a few hours ago and don't remember how i wanted to finish it... so i'll leave it at that.