Jun 29, 2009 13:48
Some people are so set in their ways that even when science proves things otherwise, they still tow the party line because "thats what the book says".
I just finished a conversation with someone who spouted such nonsense when I told them a package was coming to his house because the company won't ship to my area. Person wanted to know what was in the package, so I said some herbs. "Kook stuff?" was the first thing he asked me.
Uhm, no, not kook stuff. I don't think anything I'm doing is kooky. I ask him "What do you call kook stuff?" "You know, Voodoo stuff, like reflexology and acupuncture."
Okay, so if this is the attitude i'm getting so far, I best not tell this person about the eccenacia in the package.
"Oh, its some seaweed."
"Whats it for?"
"Uhm. Food. Its nutritious."
"Its got a lot of mercury in it."
"Really, do you even know what kind of seaweed it is?"
"No, but it doesnt matter. It all has too much mercury in it and it isnt good for anyone, especially not a pregnant woman."
"Its got loads and loads of nutrition in it. Protein- its a full protein."
"Rice and beans are a better protein for you."
Huh? "Its got lots and lots of vitamins and minerals in it, more than rice and beans."
"Well, what you need is iron and calcium."
"Its got LOADS of iron and calcium."
"Take an iron pill and drink milk. Any source of calcium that isnt dairy doesnt get absorbed by your system."
And just who has been feeding you that BS? Even if non dairy calcium sources only get absorbed 20% vs 50% in dairy sources (random numbers), if the non dairy sources have 10 times the amount of calcium as dairy (such as whole grain sesame and this seaweed, spirulina) and a smaller percent gets absorbed, you still are getting more calcium from the non dairy source. But that's not what I said. "Ok, I guess."
"And you shouldn't be wasting your money on such nonsense anyhow."
Why do some people feel the need to give uncalled for lectures? Why do people assume that the party line, that only dairy is a good source of calcium, is the correct one? In fact, studies have shown the exact opposite. But no, if this person never heard it in a lecture from the national board of who knows what, then its obviously quackery. Why not admit that you just don't know instead of talking like a full fledged idiot, spouting BS left and right?
food preparation,
natural living