Aug 21, 2007 18:00
School's back in session. So far, so good. I have a new schedule which is kind of a good/bad thing. The bad part is that my 4 toughest classes are all in a row from morning until lunch, with no breaks in between. The good part is that my afternoon classes are incredibly small with really good kids, and my planning period is next to my lunch so it's like having one big block of time in the middle of the day. Then, when I get back from lunch, it feels like I should still have half the day in front of me, but I just have two laid-back classes.
Today was fun. All my Art I classes are starting with a discussion of why artists produce art. That's kind of a broad question because there are so many reasons. I usually have the kids brainstorm ideas and plot them on a Venn diagram on the board, which is fun because some of the ideas they come up with are really interesting. Then we discussed how art is sort of a language of symbols, and I used examples from ancient cave drawings to modern day graffiti, and they were really blown away by the way art really hasn't changed much from ancient times, as far as basic purposes for creating it are concerned. Art as storytelling or historical record-keeping; art as propaganda; art as a symbol of identity; art as expression of emotion... Technology can come and go, civilizations rise and fall, but art remains pretty constant throughout time, regardless of the age, race, gender, religion, or language of the artist or the observer.
Sorry... my train of thought derailed. Anyway, it was a good day, and I think I started off by teaching a lesson that really struck a chord with the kids. It's always good to start off already having their attention, and if comparing the art of Michelangelo to stick drawings in a cave or subway graffiti does it, then I guess I'm off on the right foot.
I had another interesting surprise today, too! One of my fave students from the Hellmouth is seeking admittance into our High School program and came to visit today. It was so weird, because the last time I saw her, I think she was in 6th or 7th grade. And now she's all grown up! I didn't recognize her at all until she threw out a little catch-phrase from her class, at which point I laughed my ass of. She took her placement tests today, so hopefully, she'll get in. She's a super-bright girl, and I know opportunities have been really limited for her in the past, so it would be awesome if she got into the program. I know she could do the work, and I would love having her in the high school art program!
I have a stack of papers to grade and some paperwork to do but it's kind of cool and grey outside, the guys are at football practice, Olivia's at a friends' house, and I feel like napping. Napping with a 2-year-old in the house?!?!? Yeah, like that'll happen! Guess I should get busy with those papers, then...