Aug 10, 2007 14:23
It's still hot and freakishly humid. It's not as hot today, but you wouldn't know it -- the humidity is so thick that going outdoors is like walking into a sauna. My car windows and glasses fog up everytime I venture out. I am so sweaty and gross, just from puttering around the house doing laundry and housework.
Yesterday, Tracey and I took the kids out to her in-laws' farm and we let them splash around in the pool while we hung out and watched the horses run. We tried to keep cool by spraying ourselves down with water, and that worked, some. I'm glad our kids like to play together. Her son Lee is starting kindergarten with Olivia. I am kind of wondering how that will work. They're friends, but they're at that age when boys and girls pretty much irritate the crap out of each other. *g* It's kind of funny. I have a blast hanging out with Tracey anyway. She's like the Dixie Chicks version of me. Whenever we get together, it's a laugh a minute. Throw our other friends Julie and Robin into the mix, and it's even crazier. The four of us really need to take a trip together.
Tonight Jonathan moves into his big-boy bed. He can climb out of his crib, now, and he's really too big for it, anyway. All day, he has been running into the room, pointing up into the big bed and saying "my bed!" I hope he's still happy with the idea tonight at bedtime. The hand-me-down Pooh bedset that used to be Olivia's is so not Jonathan, but if he sticks with his bed, maybe I'll buy something a little more to his liking. Something with cars on it, I'm sure. Gawd, he's such a little version of his Dad.
Tomorrow I go to my first Bat Mitzvah. I am really excited! It's all the way in Charleston, though, but it's for one of my art kids (the daughter of my friend Marilyn.) That's in the morning, then I have to floor it to Jessica Lynch country (an hour and 1/2 away) for the kids' first football games. (Gawd, I hope the humidity goes down by then! *gag!*) And so it begins... football season. *whimper*
This is my last weekend before school starts back up. Where did summer go?
bat mitzvah,