B a S i c . I n F o
[Name] Christine
[Age] 20
[Location] Quincy, MA
[Sign] Pisces
[Birthday] 2/25/85
[Hair Color] brown
[Eye Color] brown
[Hair Style] shoulders
A r E . Y o U _ ?
[Racist] no
[Funny] no
[Depressed] i guess
[Weird] yes
[Lazy] hell yes
[Romantic] hopelessly
[Serious] when i have to be
[Smart] i like to think i am
[In love] hopelessly
[Hyper] nah
[Moody] oooh yes
[Religious] no
[Playful] yes
[Experienced] i guess
[Emotional] yes
[Tolerant] sometimes
H o W . D o . Y o U . F e E l. A b O u T ?
[Abortion] I support the choice, but its not for me
[Gay marriage] I'm all for it!
[Love] it's crazy
[Sex before marriage] you gotta test drive the car before you buy it!
[Online Dating] ... no comment
[Reality tv] I love some of it (Real World, Kept, 70's House, etc.) Hate others (Fear Factor, Survivor, etc.)
R e L a T i O n S h I p Z
[Single or taken] taken <3
[Since when?] Sept. 3, 2004
[Boyfriend/girlfriend/crush] Shawn
[Best Friend/s] Shawn, Mandy, Melissa, Erin, Colleen, Maria,STEPHANIE
[Four other friends] I have them
[Worst Enemy] Not important
[Siblings] Cat
D o . Y o U ?
[Like to shop] Yes
[Wear makeup] Yes
[Do homework] Sometimes
[Make money] Yes, but I never see it
[Want to die] No
[Have a job] Yes
[Like to sew] If I have to
[Like to cook] Deserts
[Go in chat rooms] I HATE CHATS
[Get easily attached] Yes... very
[Get tired of these questions] Kinda
H a V e . Y o U . E v E r ?
[Been out of America] no
[Gone out with someone for over a year] not yet!
[Danced in the rain] yes
[Made out in the rain] yes
[Played video games for over 4 hours straight] yes, years ago
[Gone out with somebody for their reputation or looks] no
[Skinny dipped] no
[Gone streaking] no
[Dyed your hair] yes
[broken a promise] yes
[gotten in a fight] physically? no... people run from me.
[gotten suspended] no
[cried at a funeral] yes
[cried over a guy/girl] yes
Y o U r . P a S t
[What do you remember most in your whole life?] Hearing the words "I want to grow old with you." Or maybe driving to CT with Stephanie last summer dancing in the car to Hanson. Meeting Hanson. Maine trip with Mandy & Katie Walker. "a tattoo of Angelina Jolie on my back... naked!"
[In the past year?] Same as above.
[Name everyone who has changed your life] Are you kidding me? EVERYONE has had an impact in my life, yeah some more than others, but everyone has, even the people I've only met once or twice.
[Name everyone you ever loved] Romantically? I thought I loved Kevin, but I know I love Shawn.
[Who did you lose touch with?] a lot of people from QHS
[Who do you wish you still talked to?] a good chunk of those people... certainly not all
[Scariest moment?] I've blocked it out of my mind
[Happiest moment?] Meeting Hanson? Oh no, getting initiated into Phi Pi Delta. That was effing amazing.
[Did you like your childhood?] Yeah, sure.
[Are your real parents still together?] yup
[What do you regret?] no regrets
[If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be?] Everything happens for a reason- so none of it.