Title: Absence Makes the Crotch Grow Fonder
Story Rating: R
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Ron/Draco
Prompt: Have A Nice Trip, See You Next Fall!
Word Count: 356 words
Disclaimer: The characters of Harry Potter aren't mine. I just like making them shag each other. A lot.
Summary: Ron won't miss Draco. Really.
Notes: For the
ficadron drabble/drawble Week 2, Go
here to vote and other submissions!
Absence Makes the Crotch Grow Fonder Title: The Trip Before the Fall
Story Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Ron/Draco
Prompt: Have A Nice Trip, See You Next Fall!
Word Count: 364 words
Disclaimer: The characters of Harry Potter aren't mine. I just like making them shag each other. A lot.
Summary: Ron has fallen. Both physically and mentally.
Notes: For the
ficadron drabble/drawble Week 2, Go
here to vote and other submissions!
The Trip Before the Fall