Femme2006: Conversations and Explorations is seeking submissions! This multi-threaded conference will take place August 4-6, 2006 in Oakland, CA. The not-for-profit, communtiy building conference is being organized by a committee of eleven femmes from across the US from many different walks of life. For more information about our group, our Mission Statement, and the conference, please visit us at www.femme2006.com.
Below please find our Call for Submissions, which we request you post on your website/list and send out to any email lists, websites, or other folks you think would be interested. You can also check out our website,
http://www.femme2006.com, if you have questions or want to know more about us.
Help us spread the word, join us at femme2006, and please do join us in Oakland next August!
Jessica Eve Humphrey
Conference Coordinator
(crossposted all kindsa places)
Call for Workshops, Papers, Performance, and Art
Femme2006: Conversations & Explorations
Oakland, California
August 4th - 6th, 2006
Femme2006: Conversations & Explorations is a multi-threaded conference happening in Oakland, CA on August 4th-6th, 2006. It will be a forum for people who’ve been thinking about Femme as gender, as identity, as a queer and queered space. We hope to gather community members, artists, academics, homemakers, geeks, techies, activists, and femmes of all kinds together to participate in this three day conference and community event, both as presenters and participants. We are invested in having presentations, workshops, and the conference as a whole reflect the diversity and complexity of femme-ness and femmes, and we particularly encourage proposals by and for people of color, working-class people, fat folks, and people with disabilities.
We hope for this conference to be a community building event, as well as a complex conversation. Submissions of all kinds are welcome, particularly submissions by femmes. We encourage submissions that work outside or alongside identity, as well as those reflecting on identity and gender.
Femme2006: Conversations & Explorations will be a community event representing and engaging in some of the multiplicity of femme gender, lives, identities, and perspectives. In particular, we hope that the intersections of femme with race, region, class, access, ability and other identities will be talked about, considered, meditated upon, expressed, and explored. We began this project out of a desire to see femme examined and discussed from a variety of perspectives and with attention to the specificity of femme identities, as well as a strong desire to build femme connections across differences and identity. In many of our communities, we’ve experienced a proliferation of spaces for queer femininities, queer masculinities, heterosexual queers, and other identities in recent years. We have supported and continue to believe in the importance of such spaces. However, we wanted to create a conference that held as its central focus Queer Femme, in all its multiplicities and differences, and wanted to create a conference that held community building at its core. We’re committed to having these discussions of femme take place with an awareness of intersections between femme, gender, race, class, body, ability, and privilege.
We hope to draw participants from across disciplinary, medium, and social boundaries. We encourage submissions from anyone interested, regardless of gender or sexual identity. We do ask that you read our mission statement before submitting.
We are are soliciting contributions from anyone interested, including (but not limited to):
research presentations
activist & organizational topics
visual art
video or film
Submission deadline is February 1, 2006
Please read our Mission Statement before submitting.
To submit a proposal, please send the following:
*For research presentations, send a 300 word abstract to conference@femme2006.com
*For workshop and skillshare proposals, send a 300 word description of your workshop or skillshare ideas to conference@femme2006.com
*Visual artists should send samples of work and a 300 word description of their artistic vision conference@femme2006.com
*Performers, filmmakers and other creative artists should contact us for more information at: conference@femme2006.com.
If you have questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to contact us at: conference@femme2006.com