Nov 03, 2008 09:26
Every morning after we drop off Isaac at school, Ruthie and I get back into the car to take her to daycare. And every morning, she puts her stuffed bear into Isaac's carseat and insists on buckling him in. So he'll be safe, don'tcha know. This morning, for the first time, we forgot to unbuckle Blue Bear when we arrived at daycare; so when I got back home, I noticed him still sitting in Isaac's seat, safely strapped in. heh. oh well.
Thanks to all for the kind words you posted about my grandmother's death last week. I appreciate them. I have been pondering what memories I have of her that I can share with my kids, but unfortunately most of the ones I've come up with are incidents where she forgot things or got confused and so forth - this is a side effect of the fact that she had been in mental decline for most of my adult life. Any childhood memories that I have of her are only fuzzy and indistinct. The whole thing is making me all the more glad that my kids have so much closer a relationship with their grandma.
Didja notice the part up above about how I came back home after dropping Ruthie off at daycare? Yeah, that would be the thing I posted about last week under friends-lock. To wit, that I got laid off a week and a half ago now. I was keeping it locked last week for various reasons but now am letting the proverbial feline out of the containment vessel.
It has certainly not been the best couple of weeks. In fact, I'd have to say that this period of time is in close contention for the worse couple weeks of my life. Let's examine the candidates:
Early to mid-August, 2006: Started new job; emergency gall-bladder surgery requiring six days in hospital; laid off.
Mid- to late October, 2008: Laid off; grandma died; car needed $1300 of repairs.
It's a pretty close race there, people. Okay, and now I need to stop with the election metaphor because it's giving me hives. I don't even want to talk about tomorrow. I'm developing an ulcer as we speak.
Anyway, my point being that I got laid off and it sucks and I'm definitely starting to panic. Hopefully I will very soon find out how much I'm going to get from unemployment, and then I'll have more of an idea where I stand and can start freaking out dealing with things for real. Meanwhile, I'm desultorily checking job listings, emailing people, and just trying to hold it all together. Barely. By the tips of my fingers....
how i feel,
things i think about,