my new hero

Mar 29, 2008 09:06

This guy is my new hero. :)

Jeff Deck and Benjamin Herson have a different objective in mind as they motor across the country this spring in their '97 Nissan Sentra. [...] They seek, in short, to do for America's public signage what spell-check software has done for interoffice e-mail: smarten it up and make it easier on the eye. Their weapons: Wite-Out, markers, ink pens, tape, and nerves of steel.

Check out the blog for awesome examples and hilarity. Onward grammarian soldiers! :)

I forgot to mention in my "random things" post yesterday that I was very glad I hadn't gotten around to putting my old nonfunctional inkjet printer out with the trash this week, because there was a post on freecycle from an MIT student seeking nonworking inkjets for middle-school girls to take apart as science projects. Awesome!! So I shot her an email and she promptly came over the other night and took it away. I am pleased.

Also, I wanted to recount this rather bizarre episode that happened to me the other day.

I was arriving at work, approaching the entrance to my office building, which is a fairly standard pair of double doors leading immediately to a ramp that leads up to the elevators. I was just reaching out to open one of the double doors when I saw an elderly person of indeterminate gender coming down the ramp toward me from inside, pulling a large wheeled suitcase. So I, being a good-mannered polite type of person, opened one of the doors and stood aside, holding it open.

Well, the old weirdo walks right up to the other door, the one I'm not holding open, then stops and stands there. Looks briefly at me. Looks out at the world. And then just stands there as if deep in thought.

Meanwhile one of my coworkers came up behind him/her, en route to the coffee shop inside the lobby, and notices our silent drama. He gives me a "looks like something odd is going on over there?" look, and I give him a "you got that right" look. We both stand there -- me still holding the door open -- and look at the elderly person. I believe I said something diffident along the lines of "are you coming out?" No response whatsoever. Old weirdo still on another planet. Coworker gives me another "wtf?!" look, which I return in kind.

Finally, just as I'm about to give up and walk inside, the elderly person wakes up, looks around. Pushes open the other door and walks through it, right past me holding the other door open for him/her. Gives me on the way out what I can only describe as a dirty look.

LOL. I guess I would have been pissed, in other circumstances, but it was just so bizarre. I've often noted how oblivious people can be to their surroundings when they're in public, but this took the cake.

lol, life is weird sometimes.

how i feel, link, language, what i did today, random, minutiae, wtf

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