Nov 30, 2007 19:55
Ruthie's first sentence of more than two words: "More string cheese please." :D
Isaac to me after I spent a few minutes silently getting dinner ready: "Mama, why aren't you saying anything?" LOL, do I really talk THAT much? ;)
Excited to learn that there's an upcoming rally in support of the striking WGA writers, featuring Joss Whedon -- at a location that's literally a few steps away from my office. Two weeks from today, starting right at lunchtime. Woo! I'm so there!
Today on the way home I a) watched a woman toss a lit cigarette onto the ground and walk away. So I put it out with my foot. Moments later I b) watched a guy toss a crumpled-up piece of paper toward a trash can, miss, and keep walking. So I picked it up and threw it away properly. Naturally this gave rise to many grumpy misanthropic thoughts about the state of society today, etc.
Earlier, though, I was coming back into the office after lunch, and there's a little teahouse on the first floor of my office building, and through the window I saw a woman standing next to one of the tables, with a cup of tea/coffee in one hand, a book open on the table, a baby sleeping in a sling on her belly. She was doing that rock/bounce thing that we who have had babies know oh so well. I couldn't resist -- I had to open the door and pop in and tell her that I felt her pain. :) She seemed to appreciate it. I bet I would have, back when.
Gotta go, I'm being nagged *sigh* More later
what i did today,
things they say