Oh life is just so busy and I want to post here but I don't and then I fall so far behind. augh.
So much has been happening! I shall attempt some bullet points.
* Mom had her last chemo treatment two weeks ago. This weekend we're having a party to celebrate. It's great to have chemo behind us, but now we have to wait and worry and wonder whether the cancer is going to come back. I'm staying positive though. I think everything will be fine.
* I bought a new fridge!! w00t!! I am loving it. I got the kind with the freezer on the bottom, which is great. I love not having to bend over to look for stuff in there. It has only been here a couple of weeks so it's still all nice and clean and shiny-looking. That won't last. ;)
* Isaac started Little League and is loving it. I'm discovering how erratic things can be when you have an all-volunteer organization. *roll eyes* Isaac's coach is not entirely dedicated to the task, shall we say, but a few of the other parents on the team have been stepping up, so it's going okay.
* Ruthie is toilet-trained!!! I am so freaking excited. No more diapers in our house! Well, we still have pull-ups for nighttime, but that doesn't count.
* Ruthie is also starting to read! I spelled some words on the fridge with letter magnets and was very surprised at how easily she sounded them out. This sentence shall serve as a placeholder for a lengthier musing on how different are the learning paths of the first vs. second child, based on parental involvement/attention level. ;)
* Maybe you heard that we had a water emergency here in the Boston area. A pipe burst and we weren't supposed to drink (or wash hands with, or cook with) the tap water for several days. It was an adventure. It made me think deep thinky thoughts about privilege, luxuries, assumptions, all that good stuff.
* I continue to read a lot. My "read in 2010" tag on LibraryThing is up to 21 books. I just finished The Girl Who Played With Fire, the second in the Millennium series, and am on the edge of my seat waiting for the third book, which
ww1614 kindly offered to send me. w00t.
* Stuff is happening at work, but I'm not talking about that right now. Oh, but I will say that I got a cost-of-living raise, which is nice. It only amounts to about 2.5% of my salary, but every little bit helps.
That's about it for now. But I'll close with
a few funny things the kids have said lately.
Ruthie instructed us to pretend that I'm a kid and Isaac's the dad and she's the mom and it's bedtime. She turns out the light and leaves the room.
Me: Oh good. If I'm a kid, that means I don't have to go to work.
Isaac: If I'm a dad, my job is to stay home and do whatever I want.
Me: You mean stay home and take care of the kids.
Isaac: No, the kids go to school! I just have to take them there.
Me: And then you come home and clean the house and wash the dishes?
Isaac: Yeah, and then play Wii!
(moments later Ruthie turns on the light)
Ruthie: Time to wake up! The rooster is crowing! Cock-a-doodle-doo!
Isaac: (pretending to be asleep)
Ruthie: (shaking Isaac) It's morning! Wake up!
Isaac: (pretending to be asleep)
Ruthie: Isaac, it's morning!!
Isaac: I'm nocturnal!
Little League teams at Isaac's level are named for their corporate sponsors. Isaac is on the Royal White Laundry team (Royal White for short). Last week we played the AA Auto Body team. Isaac said, "Mama, it's time for the game with the autobiographies!"
Ruthie likes to listen to my MP3 player even though it has very little music on it. I have almost exclusively podcasts, which she calls talking, as in "Can you turn this on? I want to hear some talking." The other day she listened to "Wait Wait Don't Tell Me" for a few moments and then said, "This is boring! I want to hear talking about cars!" Meaning "Car Talk," of course. :) I think she likes it because Click and Clack laugh so much. ;)