Mar 16, 2010 22:52
I probably should have posted earlier, so that you could wish me a happy birthday -- the two of you, that is, who didn't already do so on Facebook and/or Twitter. ;) Now my birthday is almost over, and you missed it! WOE!
Anyway, it wasn't much to write home about. I spent most of the day dealing with sodden belongings and laundry in our flooded basement. That was "fun." I also spent most of the day suffering from a raging sore throat. Could it be that, having made it through the entire winter without getting sick, I'm coming down with a cold here on the cusp of spring? Oh, irony, you slay me. Or something.
Anyway, so as birthdays go it wasn't exactly in the top ten. But it could have been worse. At least there was cake.
what i did today,