I feel bad about all the things I never post here. I feel bad for you because you're missing out. ;) Heh, not really. I feel bad because I want to get that stuff out. In large part I think of this journal as my memory book for later, and I hate that lately I lack the time/energy/whatever to write the stuff down, and future-me won't have much to go on. Even now I love to go back and read my entries from a year or two or three ago! But what will a-year-from-now-me have to read?
Here are some things that have happened lately:
1. I broke my glasses, which made me very sad. Then I bought new glasses online at a cost of $38 for two pairs. Buying glasses online is awesome. Except that I don't entirely love them. But they are okay. But I really wish I had sprung for the thing where they turn dark in sunlight. I've had that forever and it turns out that I can't really live without it.
2. I contacted the guidance counselor at Isaac's school, and his teacher also, about helping to support Isaac through his feelings about his grandma having cancer/chemotherapy. It became clear at some point a week or two ago that we needed help with this. Isaac loves his grandma so much and he is a lot more worried about her than I realized. I feel guilty because for basically his entire life I've been feeling pleased and smug about what a good relationship he has with his grandma (something I never had since my grandparents lived so far away) but yet I never thought about the downside: to wit, how devastated he will eventually be when she dies. Which we hope will be decades from now! but still.
3. Speaking of my mom, she is doing well and chemo is half over (three treatments down, three to go). The kids remain fascinated by her hair loss. The other day Isaac drew a family picture wherein he gave Ruthie enormous amounts of hair, me and himself moderate amounts, and just two or three little wisps on grandma's head.
4. I found
this rainbow cake recipe online and decided to make it for Ruthie's birthday party, but I decided to do a trial run first, so we made it last weekend. (I didn't use the actual cake recipe there -- I used a regular white-cake recipe and followed the steps on that webpage for making the rainbow.) It came out great! I posted the pix on Facebook and will try to post them here soonish too.
5. I signed Isaac up for Little League. It starts in late April. I am getting a little nervous about the whole games-at-6pm-on-weeknights thing. I don't think I'm ready to be a "soccer mom." Isn't it "funny" how parenting forces you to do all sorts of things for which you don't think you're ready?
6. My beloved upstairs neighbor Brian announced that he and his girlfriend are going to move in together. This is nice for them but sucks for me. :( He hasn't yet decided whether to rent or sell his place. I can't at all imagine living here with someone else upstairs! But my fantasy of buying Brian out so the kids and I can have the whole house remains stuck firmly in fantasy-land, because, you know, do I look like I can afford to double my monthly mortgage payment? Umm no. So I don't know what's going to happen with that. I just know that we'll miss Brian terribly. :(
7. Oh so much more...but that's enough for now I guess.