Jun 16, 2005 17:36
I am wayyy bored at work!!! ahhh!
i cant figure out how to write this flowchart for the quadratic equation in my cpsc class!!!!
i am hungry!
i want the pistons to win the championship!
this class is pretty gay but the professor cracks me up cuz he is totally his sons clone!
i want pizza!
i also want beer tonight during the game..
that is all.
Post anonymously....
01: what is your first memory of me:
02: how long have we been friends:
03: tell me about one memory we share together:
04: describe me in four adjectives:
05: if we could spend a day together what would we do:
06: name one thing you really don't like about me:
07: name one thing you really do like about me:
08: if you could give me a gift what would it be:
09: have we ever gotten in a fight & about what:
10: have we ever hugged:
11: have you ever seen me cry:
12: what is something embarassing that i've done:
13: what do i usually look like when you see me:
14: what do i say all the time\whats my catch phrase:
15: do you think we will be friends in 5 years:
16: has there been anything you wanted to tell me, but didn't:
17: is there a song that reminds you of me:
18: what makes you stay my friend:
19: what would you change about me if you could:
20: A hint to who you are: