Hello, I'm alive. :)
I've been busy with hosting people. :P
3 days ago I went for a music festival on an island of Lastovo! It was sooo good!! I have some photos, but I'm waiting to get others too, so I have them all in one place. We were supposed to stay for 2 nights but:
a) we didn't have a tent and island nights are cold and WET (dew)
b) everybody was leaving since it was last night of the festival so we'd be left there almost alone
c) we didn't have enough food and water (thanks to my friend's organizing skills. Really, 7 (smaller) sandwiches for 3 girls for 2 days?!)
d) next boat would be the next day
Man, I froze that night. My sleeping bag didn't work well, I couldn't close it, so the dew came in! It's so strong that everything looked like it was raining. So I slept only 2 hours with my teeth chattering. Then we got up at 5 to catch a bus that will drive us to a place where catamaran is. But to get to the bus, we had to walk up the stairs for around half an hour with all baggage. I swear, my but is def. tighter than when I left. And then guess what? There were no tickets for catamaran!! Grrrr
So we had to wait for a ferry at 11:30. But tickets could be bought at 10:30 only so we had 3 hours left. All hungry and freezing and tired. Local store opened at 8:30 and cafe around 9. Mmmm coffeeeeeeee.
We went to the beach until 10. The sea was coooold because it was raining for few previous days. And the sea was full of echinoids. That means the sea is really clean but still...it's kind of problematic to get in, you know?
We had to come in front of the ticket office earlier because we weren't only people who were leaving from the festival and didn't get on the catamaran. So there was around 400 angry people.
Luckilly we got the ticket and then fight for the seat in the ferry started. Trips lasts 5 hours so we had to get good place to doze off. Finally in, I laid on the bench and fell asleep for 3 hours.
When I got home I found out that I lost/someone stole my necklace, I got period and I didn't get postcard from Lastovo (which I collect). I just fell in my bed at 10 and woke up at 10 this morning.
I love nature but only well equipped and prepared.
Well, after typing down all bad sides, I must say music was great!!! I danced and jumped...and sweat a lot.
So this was my first time:
Sleeping in the sleeping bag
Sleeping on the open air
Seeing a falling star for the first time in my life!!!!!
My birthday is on Friday!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Jesus Christ Superstar! :O
Also, got new camera! Can you believe that I got it practically for free?! T-Com was giving it for those who became new users OR to those who decided to prolong their contract with them, where I belong. It's Olympus, which is new for me. I had Sony so far. It will take some time to get used it. So far, so good. :) Can't wait to test it out!
Ok, I'm going back to my hole. ;)