Continued from
Rushlight Here is how it works:
You reply to this post with a random statement about yourself, something like, what you had for breakfast, what shoes you are wearing, the last movie you watched, etc... then I will ask you 5 random questions. You will then post the answers to my questions in your IJ/LJ/GJ/JF with the invitation for others to leave you some random info and you ask them questions.
It's fun and good for meeting people!
1. What kind of books did you like to read when you were a kid?
Hm, I remember I LOVED Secret Diaries of Adrian Mole. And I had (still have actually) a book called The most beautiful fairy tales of the world which includes arabic, english, slavic, german, asian, scandinavian etc. fairy tales. I love that book!
2. Do you collect anything? If so, what? If not, is there anything you'd like to if you had the chance?
I collect postcards & key-chains (and cinema tickets and magazines - this is not much as collecting as hamster-syndrome).
3. Which House do you think you'd be sorted into if you ever attended Hogwarts? Why?
I did that test and it sorted me into Gryffindor. But If I could choose...I don't know. I think I couldn't be sorted into any of the Houses. I would be pissed if Sorting Hat sorted me into, let's saaaaay, Slytherin -I would be offended because Hat thinks I'm not smart/brave/diligent enough to be in Ravenclaw/Gryffindor/Hufflupuff. If Hat sorted me into Gryffindor I would be pissed because it doesn't think I'm cunning/smart/diligent enough to be in Slytherin/Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff etc. You see what I mean? :P I would have a quarrell with Sorting Hat!! They would or kicked me out or give me special separate room with access to both Gryffindor and Slytherin male showers. *ahem* But I think I would be least Hufflepuff. :P
4. I'm curious about your pseudonym "Dirty Bathroom Flirter". Where did it come from and how did you choose it?
LOL. Good question! :D Well, it's from Charlotte Sometimes' fic Change my World. In the third chapter, Harry and Draco have detention in the bathroom. And they have to clean it without magic. Since Draco never used Muggle 'means of cleaning' i.e. spunge, brushes and soap, he asks Harry. "Show me how this works, you dirty bathroom flirter." Which cracked me up big time, and still does whenever I remember it!! Sooo, I just couldn't get it out of my mind and decided to put it as my pseudonym. I even asked Charlotte is it ok to use it. :D
5. What is your favorite outdoor activity?
Mmmmm, going to cinema and sitting in cafe with my friends, drinking coffee and enjoying the sun. It is genuine outdoor activity that doesn't require any activity. :P
1. do you read your horoscope every day? do you put much stock into what it says? why/why not?
No. No. Because I don't believe in daily, weekly or monthly horoscope (maybe yearly). One prognosis couldn't possibly be for all people with those signs...
2. when is the last time you can remember playing in the snow? what were you doing? when was it? who were you with? where were you?
On February 6th 2005. I was with my friend, mother, her sister and friends on one day trip. We were making angels and running down the slope in sleds. We were in one little village few hours driving from my town.
3. if you were told that you had to get rid of every single book you own except for three and that you could never get another book again for the rest of your life, you could only have those three; what three books would you choose? they have to be books that you already own now.
The Little Prince, The most beautiful fairy tales of the world and Gemini OR LOTR Trilogy. :P
4. do you have a favorite writing implement? if so, what is it and why do you like it so much? where did you get it? if not, what do you typically prefer to write with and why? does what you prefer to write with vary depending on the situation, or is it pretty much always the same?
Pen. Right now Uni-ball Signo RT. I'm lefty and I need pen that doesn't smudge, glides easily, it's precise and has strong color. In the shop with school accessory.
5. if you can get to a photo album, pick up the nearest one, open it and turn to the seventh and eighth pages, what pictures are on those pages? tell me all about them. if you cannot get to a photo album, open up your "my pictures" file on your computer. tell me about the seventh and eighth pictures in your file. if you have folders, tell me about the seventh and eight pictures in the first folder. if your first folder has less than seven pictures, go on to the next or the next after that until you get to one that has more than seven pictures.
This is original one! From photo album:
7th page: My second birthday.
Me and my cousin on the bed with a huge bear. My aunt, her family and I on the beach. Me in the sea.
Me running in the blue dress.8th page:
Me, my mother, aunt and cousin on the couch. Me and my cousin smiling and posing for the camera. My baptism.
Me posing in my dress for baptism.(Those were the all pics I had uploaded on Photobucket so far)