*wipes brow* my membership area for
Faerie Mouse Nibbles is done, now to find people to join. *grins* It is a lineart membership site. (Yes another line art site is being added to the numerous ones out there) I'm not sure yet what I'll add to it, there are so many sig tag clubs out there and I don't know that I could keep up with a sig tag club.
I have a non paying job to do coming up, my brother in law wants me to help do the website for the band he is in.
TOmorrow (my day off) I have to go through my bedroom and the kids room and pack up all non essential items becasue we are trading rooms and I want to paint this weekend. Our bedroom is a little small for a queen size bed and three dressers, but the kids should be fine in there with their bunkbeds. The small bedroom is a dark blue, I'm going to paint clouds (large fluffy ones) and a rainbow in the room to brighten it up a bit. The larger bedroom is a purply colour and I'm thinking of painting a creamy light yellow or pale green (which means priming first). We need a new mattress and hubby needs a new dresser, but that will have to come later. The kids will get new comforter covers too, I saw a great yellow daisy one for Isabelle and I'm not sure about Adam but it's time to say bye bye to Bob the Builder.
I really like working down at the Beach store but feel a little guilty for leaving the OSC team, I hear things are changing and staff aren't as happy as they were when I was there. I feel bad about it but didn't expect the new management ( my previous asst and a full timer) to change as much as they did. If any of the staff need it I'll give them the reference they deserve , most of them worked really well for me. I'm still searching for an asst manager for my store though, I had a hopeful today that I interview and she seemed pretty good, hopefully H/O takes a look at her soon and lets me know what they think, we haven't had a great response to the ad, and there is too much work for me to do by myself.