Jun 12, 2007 15:36
i swear there is a system in place primarily designed to drive mothers/people crazy. i swear.
lets talk heverly first: the bank approved our mortgage but with the condition that we replace the septic and roof. they want us to put 14,200$ in escrow at closing for those 2 things - 1.5 times the standard cost of doing the job is what they require. we were told that if we got estimates for the jobs that were below those prices, we could lower the number. i've been running around getting estimates and finally was ready to bring them in today! i thought i was in the clear! but, what i found out now is that the seller's agreement was a - 7,200 concession for repairing the septic and that unless the 1.5 of the septic estimate is 7,200, we can't take the whole concession. in addition, we can't use the lowlowlow estimate casey drew up for the septic because - although casey can do the job, the bank wants an estimate from a certified septic contractor. so, now, either i fight with the bank point by point to show how casey's estimate is legit (which i've been told is impossible by the loan officer) and have the seller's sign an addendum to the agreement saying that the concession isn't only for the septic repair but also for the roof (which i've been told the man-seller won't do) OR we get a professional estimate that 7,200 is 1.5 of and come up with the 5,675 that our roof repair states we'll need at closing (which we can find no legitimate source for). we are so close but i know we are going to be so so so screwed, maxing out credit cards, reducing the amount we'll net on our madison house, borrowing money from every tom,dick,&harry that we can swallow our pride and ask, reducing any funds that we'd have to do repairs on heverly other than the septic and the roof. plus, even if we can spend much less on the septic and the roof, the bank won't release the full escrow to us until the jobs have been inspected and approved. i know we are lucky to even have the opportunity to think we can do this (buy this place) but every minute i have to forget that our lives are going to get SO MUCH HARDER before it ever gets easier, IF it ever gets easier.
now, Ithaca Youth Bureau: i went to register noah and lily for the 2 week day camp. what i found out after i thought i had everything in order is that i need to get immunization records from the dr, get noah boosters that he never had at age 5, dig out paystubs for casey and fill out low-income paperwork for the 4th time in 2 yrs. i need to do this by the end of the week if i want to try to reserve the spots. unfortunately i was trying to get out of town tomorrow so i can get to PA and get the stuff i need to do done before karly's wedding on saturday. unfortunately, ellie is sleeping in the stroller in the living room right now and i won't have time to get to the dr before the Youth Bureau closes.
so much paperwork, running around, brick walls, rules and regulations. never anyone i can speak directly to. i finally met the man-seller last night and he was mean and angry and i don't expect any cooperation from him. casey's work is hot and busy and stressful. my kids are running around like feral cats, barely supervised as i'm on the phone pleading with people to not request any more of me and having them respond, "sorry! but..." and i know that i am running mad trying to get my end done so they'll order the survey and get us closed this month so we can start making money and start selling our house but man-seller indicated that he plans on dragging his feet through closing. shit!
coffee. beer. coffee, beer. i know they must be trying to drive me to a nice little valium or that other anti-anxiety pill that i always forget the name of. it never stops.
but, i'll end on a good note. the seller's agent who came by last night to talk to us about putting our house on the market made a huge deal about what a beautiful job i've done on the yard. it felt really good because i've worked very hard on it this spring. he wants to come back with a few realtors to get an better idea on what we should list at because he isn't sure. i hope it's because he thinks it may be worth more than he originally thought.
short-term hell,