So... my mother had a constellation of symptoms that eventually killed her. One of the worst things, for her, was the constant brain fog that clouded her focus (she was a nursing practitioner and had finished law school... her brain meant a LOT to her).
When she was towards the end of her life, I asked her physician if she could possibly have
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Those are more about food. If you are concerned about how to remove cross contamination from the kitchen, or gluten related health problems, or whatnot, that's a different set of links...
I'll enjoy digging through those sites, and I thank you for your time and kind words!
It is easy to make salad dressings without flour, or with non-wheat subs like quinoa flour or ground toasted rice.
Did you ever do an igG reactivity test?
Paleo is the new Atkins. Not in terms of quackery, but in terms of a good low carb diet that is actually sustainable and also nutritionally complete.
In my case: if I eat the inflammation triggers on a semi-regular basis (so that they accumulate but I never have the really terrible gastric distress or the headaches), I get other issues. Like the bottoms of my feet will erupt in eczema, or I'll have a severe attack of rheumatoid arthritis in my knuckles seemingly out of nowhere.
Before I cut out most wheat, eggs, and dairy, I got a headache every single time I put food in my mouth. Now I almost never get headaches because I'm not eating those things at every meal, but a bad week still results in a bad day or two.
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