I had the opportunity to attend not one, not two, but three awesome events this weekend:
Foxvale Fox Hunt and Ayreton Investiture... this was my first SCA event, where I learned the basics of
kumihimo (something I've heard about but never tried), was given a token from the Midrealm royalty (!!), and enjoyed a delicious feast full of a wide range of entertainment. It was all the best parts of a Renaissance faire, without the annoying commercial aspect!
LTH Forum annual picnic (Bill and I are actually featured in one of the photos!)... Bill made a double batch of
garlic/rosemary focaccia, and I did a batch of
Dorie Greenspan's World Peace cookies. My offering was meh, but he totally nailed his. We tried maybe a hundred different and amazing dishes, and Linc got to collect a ton of candy from the piñata.
Brain,Child Magazine event in Chicago... met Jennifer Niesslein, the woman who co-founded the magazine I desperately wish I'd thought of years ago. Hearing those writers speak definitely inspired me to want to write more again...
Sadly, I'm squarely in the middle of the worst phase of the pre-period depression (that's been getting worse as I progress through perimenopause, despite a bushel of supplements). The brain fog is also really thick, and I'm having a hard time getting out of the house to even get to a park day with Linc (had to jettison the plans for a bike ride... prepping a picnic lunch and getting the bikes ready and loaded was just more than my stupid head could handle).
I had given up on the anti-candida diet, but
keyne mentioned that on a similar diet, she'd lost her brain fog... and I definitely horked down a substantial amount of foccacia yesterday (you would have, too, if you had been within 100 feet of it). I'm wondering if that feast yesterday is fueling the incredibly thick mud that seems to have filled my head today...