Nov 03, 2008 08:32
Took AJ out trick or treating Friday. Fun was had and my faith in the future somewhat restored when I say an older girl taking her little sister trick or treating in a viking costume. Conversation went like this.
Me: Wow, that's an awesome costume. *thinking of nero* Where did you get it?
Girl: The Halloween Store.
Me: *scowls* I must have missed it in my hunting.
Girl: Yeah it was a little hard to find. Only thing I could get though that covered everything.
Me: *tears of joy in eyes start bowing since I'm sure she'd freak out at me hugging her* Bless you child...Bless you!
After AJ was in bed I headed off to NERO. Wi's event was small but I love smaller events. It means less insantiy and boredum. Well I shouldn't say that things still went insane. I certainly was not sitting around this weekend barely. Was awesomely fun! Now though I have to translate more runes and pray that me losing the reins of my plot to Plan B doesn't come back to anally rape me. YAY! :D
High points:
Me, Illuara (Carrie's Darkie), and Valeric walking off to check the mountains for Harry the Likable.
Me: You know Valeric...your going to have a bragging right here.
Valeric: What do you mean?
Me: Your walking off into the woods with 2 dark elf females.
Illuara: We on an oreo adventure here then?
Me: Yep and Valeric is the tasty creme center.
Valeric: Awesome.
Me: Now people will pout of course cause we could have been doubestuffed. ;)
*brains explode*
Me to Bill: I taking Illuara, Valeric, and Chamelion with me to Bywater.
Bill: K then.
Me *walk outside*: Huh?...Kobold and FancyPants...ah well 2 more isn't a big deal.
*5 minutes later while waiting by the road so folks can smoke*
*Tiny and Plan B creeping over*
Me: You guys know we're out of town and walking right?
Tiny: We know we're tracking and following you guys.
Me: *realize Tiny and co is the rest of the town* O_o Bill is going to kill me...
Bill *blinking at everyone*: Who was with Setie when she left town?
*My original group comes running over*
Bill: And the rest of you...
Tiny: We're tracking her because she gives us tons of money to stupid reasons. She needs to live!
Me: Yay I get minions via my own stupidity!
*Outside the Jolly Den after talking with Molly*
Me: Hey Tiny how does your group feel about stealing?
Tiny: What are we getting?
Me: We need to get a chest for Molly here out of a warehouse.
Valeric *sneaks up behind me*: Wait what are we doing?
Me: Valeric plug your ears.
Valeric: -_-;
Tiny: Why can't she get her own chest.
Me: Well there's the issue with the Baron...
Valeric: WHAT!? We're stealing from a Baron!?
Me: *facepalm*
Valeric: T_T Setie...stealing from a Baron?
Me: He's a bad Baron.
Valeric: Really?
Me: He oppresses the common people. And he hates trees....
*Seeing Tiny and Lacreima plotting*
Tiny: You need the information this lady has right.
Me: *worried* Yes....
Tiny: And she wants us to get this fancy chest right?
Tiny: Well I vote we get the info then the chest.
Me: Huh? *hears Lacreima talking to people about waylaying*
Lacreima: Alright folks follow me!
Me: Wait...what? HEY! T_T I'm gonna get screwed and killed aren't I?
*A few minute of standing about in the pub I start to calm thinking nothing is going to happen when everyone blows up*
Me: Lacreima! Laceima stop! Your killing my informant!
*Lacreima gets imprisoned and I run over to the hobling still standing*
Me: Let me first aid her...Please don't slaughter me Miss Molly....
Lacreima to Molly: The phrase is: We gave you the chest and you hid it.
Me: *cringing realizing that's a horrible phrase to give a shady alchemist who's the head of a criminal organization.*
As Tiny and folks set up a wagon for FancyPants to appear a noble and get us into the warehouse.
Tiny: Alright, you are Lord FancyPants of Northmarch....
Brom: Isn't impersonating a lord illegal?
Me: And robbing a warehouse isn't?
Timik to Kalen outside the Warehouse we're robbing while "Lord" Fancypants talks: You know this probably is a bad thing to do with our tabards on and such.
Me: Why? You guys got all the forget it thingies and the only one who stands to be screwed over by this is me.
Timik: True...ok I feel better.
Me: *sarcastically* Oh yeah, highway robbery with immunity to the consequences...what more could a guy want...
After finding a prepped spirit bottle in Molly's chest and it suddenly vanishing.
Me: I'm so sorry guys. I was the last one to have it so I'll take full responsibility for the theft.
Lacriema: Oh don't worry Setie we know it wasn't you.
Me: Really? You guys don't know me well at all though and I was the last one to have it. I should be the number one suspect.
Lacriema: Nah we trust you.
Me: *annoyed and confused* What the hell did I do to get the permenant good girl label here? You realize I'm a dark elf right?
Me talking to Fazrin: Seriously. I feel bad for you guys getting screwed is there any way I can make this up to you?
Faz: Nah we know you didn't do it.
Me: And how is that?
Faz: Because we've watched you and not only can you not lie for crap. Also we figured your more likely to pay through the nose to get the bottle from us then steal it.
Me: So basically you guys reason that I could not have taken the bottle cause I'd rather pay people off to do what I want or stay quiet and be walked all over then actually chance you guys rolling me into the dirt if I screwed you via theft?
Faz: Something like that yeah.
Me: T_T;
Me: I know I should be happy about it, but I am confused as to why no one thinks I stole the bottle. I mean logically I should be the number 1 suspect...
Illuara: That's easy to answer. Setie do you have the bottle?
Me: *glare and make physical offer to search me* Why would I want to turn into some disgusting undead lich?
Illuara: That's why.
Me: *sigh*
A bit after Lacreima and folks build up a fire to spawn some broken fire elementals.
Casey: 1 I spawn from the fire, 2 I spawn from the fire, 3 I spawn from the fire...*steps towards me*
Me: Shit! *trying to jump up off bench by the fire to escape.
Casey: 5 fire.
Me: Magic armor. Whoa! *trip over bench and fall backwards* Elderitch fore I build a prison!
Casey: Becky you good?
Me: I'm good, just gonna lay on the ground here with my imprison thanks.
*5 minutes later I'm still in my imprison while they are building it up again*
Tybalt: Hmmm...1 I drag you onto the fire....2 I drag you onto the fire...
Me: Imprison down! QUIT IT!