Why do I bother again?

Oct 27, 2008 09:47

I am getting very sick of the double standard in this house.

I bend myself into a pretzel for everyone and everything in this house.  I might be exhausted but I'll stay up and play with Mike so he'll relax.  I don't take naps almost every day and I get up at the same time and stay up just as long.   Do people think I don't work just because I'm not making money?

Congrats you jackass.  You just ruined my perfectly good weekend and shot the next one to hell.

In case folks haven't guessed.  Mike forgot about the WI event this weekend...and while he has not said anything I'm willing to bet he said we'd do something once again WITHOUT FUCKING TELLING ME!

I mean yes normally I go along with things but god dammit if he's asking me at least he knows it's clear.  And if it's a fucking raid and he needs a healer I'm going to beat him.  I'm tired of not getting to do what I want because of raids.  Frickin expansion is due out in 3 weeks people can deal with their gear being sub par.

In other news, had gaming with the family.  It's turning into quite the comedy.  Let's look at the cast shall we?

Chase (Pat): Ranger who keeps sticking his nose where he should not and has an itchy arrow finger. 
Example: We find out odd mop guy was playing us.  He runs off and tries to clobber the guy.  Who then glares and punches the ranger down the hall and almost kills him.

Rorake (Jason): Barbarian who is blessed with the brains to keep his mouth shut but can't hit things to save his life.  Forgets to keep track of the possessed bard like the wizard tells him to.
Example: Me: Rorake?...Where's the bard?
Rorake: Uh...I thought I had her with me...
Jim: No you put her down to bust open the door remember.
Me: *facepalm* So now we have a homicidal dog possessed bard running about to worry about...thanks Rorake.
Rorake: No problem.

Ainwen (Katie): Bard who got possessed by some wolf spirit somehow.  In a game where there is no clerics or paladins and no divine magic.  This is an issue.
Examples: 1.) Almost ran into a room with a ritual going on while we were healing up because dog spirit said to.
2.) Almost tore out the druid's throat because he got in the way.
3.) Almost tore out my throat when I was stuck alone with her and another wolf possessed guy.

Devon (Kyle): Fighter who can't understand why I tell him to shut up. Great at volunteering to go into the scary room first with sheild high.  Not so good at questioning people without ticking them off.
Example: The local apothecary has all my spell components.  She also was not surprised when we told the town their garrison got shredded by the dog things that like to possess people.  Hence we need to question her.

Devon: So why weren't you shocked about the garrison huh?  Sending your little doggie friends to kill us all huh?
Me: What? Devon...
Me: Wait what my friend meant was....
Lady: OUT!
Me: My compenents...T_T
Devon: Yeah she's guilty of something.
Me: *deathglare* I have a fireball with your name on it when I learn the spell....

Cole (Jim): Druid extradinare.  Usually the voice of reason but butts heads with my character due to differing philosophies.  Classic undead hater.
Example: Creeping around this old keep and come across a pair of casters after we've dealt with a room of skeletons.
Cole: OMG those casters are necromancers kill them!
Me: Wait wait why don't we...
*Group charges in and slaughters the people*
Me: ....incapacitate and question....*sigh*
Cole: We don't need to talk to dirty necromancers.
Me: You know I CAN cast necromantic spells eventually right?
Cole:  *glaring* Have you already?
Me: No...but eventually I can.
Cole: Then my wolf will be having a tasty snack
Me: Excellent I've been wanting some wolf steak for awhile.  Besides, there's more to necromancy then undead summoning.  You will never be able to tell if I cast a necro spell unless it's animate dead.
Cole: I...you...grrr....
Me: That's why I'm the brains here.

Ryneth (Me!): Resident arcane person.  Wizard who keeps having to save idiots from themselves and save her own butt a number of times.
Example: Right after the group slaughters the 2 casters.  I haven't even walked into the room the casters died that fast. 
Mike: Becky you feel a chill from behind.
Me: I turn to look at it.
Mike: You see a giant shadow reaching a hand towards you...*rolls* What's your AC?
Me: *checking to make sure mage armor is still up* 17.
Mike: Yeah it hits you.  You take...6 strength damage.  If that hits zero you die.
Me: *looks at my piddly 10, now 4* Screaming like the girl I am here.
Mike: Alright then.  Initiative...alright...19...18...
Me: *raises hand*
Mike: What do you do with this giant shadowy scary thing that just took a chunk out of you.
Me: Light spell to it's face.
Mike: *blink blink* well yeah that would work...

Other amusing moments:

Ladic (resident wizard of the crumbling keep) after Chase's attack does nothing due to his stoneskin spell: Really...you break into my keep.  Try to rob me. Kill my appretices.  Slaughter my skeleton army. Now you try to hit me?   *knocks him down the hall where me and Devon were coming.*
Me after seeing Chase crash: You did something stupid again didn't you!?  *seeing angry wizard* Oh crap...

Ladic: I assumed my apprentices could take you but I guess they just were to busy screwing around...how did you guys handle their shadow anyways?
Me: Light spell to the face.
Ladic: Ah...very resourceful.
Me: Thank you, I try.

When Ainwen sticks her head out the door Ladic came out of and only has a sheet wrapped around her.
Me to Ladic: Wow...like 'em young don't you?

Me to Cole as we're leaving Ladic's: I'm surprised your not screaming for that mage's blood.  He animates dead you know.
Cole: In due time.
Me: Well let me know when that time is.  I want to make sure he knows I'm not with you when he wipes the floor with you.

Ainwen when I mention her showing the goods to get info: Why do you keep insinuating I'm a slut?
Me: Because so far you've only proven useful in talking to people, sitting pretty, and singing.   All things the common whore does well.
Ainwen: Well I'm not a slut.
Me: You do realize your choosen profession is being a bard correct?

Group discussing findings. Note: Law decrees that there is no worshipping of gods plus divine magic blew up at one point some 300 years ago.  Hence divine magic is a thing of tales.
Chase: So these dog things have unknown magic, possess people, are smart enough to evade traps, and the apothecary's son is likely hiddden in her barn as one.
Devon: That sums it up.
Ainwen: Is there a cure for this at all?
Cole: Well...there's exorcisim.
Me: *mocking laugh* Exorcisim?  That wive's tale of divine being's saving mortals? *more laughing*
Cole: Artifacts exist....probably.
Me: Yeah sure.  They might exist but who knows if they work or where they might be.  Unless you intend to do alot of digging for the next number of years I would say find another option.

Group sees a magical storm coming that heralds the nasty dog possessed people.
Me: Ah...that would be the impending part of our impending doom.
Cole: I think it's time to get out of town.
Chase: Yep.
Devon: Agreed.
Rorake: *grunt*
Ainwen: *nervously looking about*
Me: *sigh* And exactly what do you guys intend to do about the 1,000 so farmers and their families that are living here without any garrison to defend them?
Group: *crickets*
Me: That's what I thought...Come on let's go see if we can convince the mayor to fortify and gather a militia.

Me talking to Ladic about the impending storm: That thing will have a ton of dog people possessing everyone in town!  You need to help out since you live here. Unless you want an army of dog people banging down your door in a rage.
Ladic: Bah.  Why should I?  They won't come near this keep due to the ghosts upstairs.
Me: Oh yeah, you only care about your craft... *inspiration* But you know...those dog people had magic users too.  They weren't using arcane or druidic magic though.
Ladic: *curious* Really?
Me: Yep, so it's either that legendary divine magic or a type that is completely unknown.
Ladic: Give me 2 hours.
Me: Thank you.
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