Jan 06, 2008 12:01
So yesterday I'm playing Eq2 & my son (not quite 4 yet) is standing beside me watching & pretending he's playing with me.
He's jumping around 'shooting arrows' and duel wielding pretend swords. He's shouting out various stuff about how he's shooting the mobs with the arrows to make them come to us (pulling in the venacular). Pretty amusing. Then I ask him what kind of character he is pretending to be, a scout or what (with the duel wielding). He tells me "I'm a RANGER BOY!" I get a very good laugh out of that. A short while later as he continues his play fighting with me he shouts "Oh no he's on me!" and collapses to the floor saying "I need help." I offer him a rez & he pops right back up saying "Thank you! But I need another weapon now." I nearly collapsed from laughter at that point.
Oh what a little gamer geek we are raising.
connor is funny