Came home uncommonly moody- so i walked in the dim sunset until it was dark at the park - stunning. Such deep thoughts... too many to put here, but feel like I need to acknowledge this night not just for my dying uncle who my Mom is going to see in hospice tomorrow... that's just the tip of it. I wonder if I'll ever see him again. Not sure what all set me off, but It's amazing how an offside little comment uttered under a breath - almost a whisper can affect you more than someone screaming it in your face. no need to even talk about it, or question it for that matter. Out of my hands.... twill pass.
Then Hugh called to meet up for dinner and a beer at barbara's which definitely helped... Went back to the labs to check in with the band, hooked up with elf, Brooke and Roemer And back to a full house... Great conversations to remind me what's important... And how everyone is here to learn different lessons. Aaah surrender.