
Sep 08, 2011 23:32

Still pouring through my notes from 12 days in the desert...will post an overview sometime soon....
for now, I:
Had a fantastic time - did some really great work with Media Mecca and Gigsville
Was on call all the time, and was able to put out a LOT of fires and help my friends
played offplaya in the hot springs with some of my favorite people
had 5 days with my golf cart until it crapped out
journal'd a LOT
met new people including a group of Christians that Tribe met last year who are truly lovely people
had solid hangs with old friends
cried as Kaya's ashes went up in the Man
enjoyed precious time with a trusted snuggler
graciously accepted compliments on how I've gotten in shape in my 40's
had deep talks with a lot of girlfriends on the subject of opening hearts and compromising in partnerships
accepted a lot about my friends...and myself....
I think I now understand the meaning of surrender
had a much needed massage that finally popped an everpersent knot from under my right shoulderblade
let go of so much in the Temple - so so much
laughed and played with my wifey and my BFF including the arrival of Auger, Phroaig and Feral in a hilarious ceremony
endured through the van overheating on the 15 hour journey home
came home to a text that read
"Wrapped up the movie - Home in 27 hours - ready for some R&R?
R&R meaning Sushi, movie, fire, coed hot tub racing..."
No matter what comes of it, yes, it did put a smile on my face.

a lot more I could post but for now, it was a wonderful year.

Looking forward to what 2011 holds....with an open heart and mind
and a smile on my face

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