quiz from biljana
Xmas Song- Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer
Xmas character- rudolph!!
Xmas movie- Santa Clause & Miracle on 34th Street
Xmas color- redd
Xmas food- hmm..i dont kno..
Xmas activity- presents!
Xmas tree decoration- the decorations joshua makes at school
Xmas gift of all time- dunno..
Xmas smell- baking cookies!
Reindeer- rudoplh, of course
*This or That*
Red/Green- red
Fake tree/Real tree- fake cuz im alergic to pine lol
Santa/Reindeer- Santa!!
Give/recieve- give
Xmas Eve/Xmas Day- xmas eve
Angel/Star- star
Gold Tinsel/Silver Tinsel- silver
Lights/Blow-up santas- lights
Kitten/Puppy- both!!
What do you want for Xmas?- a cell fone!! and i got one today! hehe =)
When was the last time you sat on Santas lap- uhh 4 years ago?
What do you remeber the most about Xmas last year?- goin over my aunt sonya's housee
What do you hate about Xmas- it takes too long to get here haha
What are you looking foward to the most this Xmas? spending time wit the fam
Do you celebrate Xmas- yupp