(no subject)

Sep 01, 2008 01:42


I was told about this earlier this week by my co-worker. Seeing as I get farmer vision right now, you know the four channels off the ol' rabbit ears. I didn't really have any clue what she was talking about, until I saw the ad myself on TV telling you to buy this stupid box. Now, they claim its to tighten up the signal due to the space the analog signal takes up. But to me this just comes across as a cash grab, and to ensure cable companies are getting more money they think they may be losing in the long term through customers they aren't already tapping. Maybe i'm just being paranoid, but that to me is the way it comes off. It seems ridiculous to go out and buy a fancy box just to decode a.. well crappy signal to begin with-so what's the solution? Buying cable of course! Which.. in this city isn't as cheap as one might hope. And considering the crap on TV most of the time, I seriously wonder why anyone would want to pay for it in the first place. It's a wonder internet providers don't just allow you to get TV through your internet connection at a reduced rate-its not like it would be difficult to do. MTS already provides internet through the MTS TV box if you're getting both, so why not just eliminate the need for the TV altogether and let me just watch it on the net anyways. In my personal case the screen would be virtually the same size, and yes I know I can download or watch some shows on the net already. But I'm getting off-track here, the point is this seems like a load.. a big stinking load of something ripe. Am I wrong? Is this simply a case of the government stepping in and trying to improve the quality of the cable signal? With all the troubles the gov't should be taking care of.. like unemployment, health care, crime.. the cable signal must be right up there with global warming.
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