May 24, 2004 11:50
It's hard for most people to imagine living with a disability. There are so many things we take for granted: the ability to walk, to talk, to use our hands, our vision, our hearing, being able to follow a simple line of thinking/to finish a thought - as examples. But an added frustration is when one must justify their illness. To defend a disease, or disability, truly sucks, but not as much as when the person you are having to defend against is not a stranger, but a loved one. Maybe I have some twisted, idealistic view on how the world should work, but I feel a family member should have your back in all situations, even if your relationship is not as close as it could/should be. You should be able to be taken at your word, for one thing. But when doctors/specialists, give a prognosis and the US government, after much testing, agrees, you would think that'd be enough. Ignorance prevails, however. At this point in my life, after so many years of having to defend myself against unbelievers and doubters (the ignorant), I would almost gladly give up a limb, or something equally obvious, just to be able to relax my guard and not be made to feel "guilty" for being sick! I don't know about your dictionary, but when a person says that I am not telling the truth, in my book that is the same as calling me a liar...and lazy, as an added insult. Ah well, life goes on and the world turns......